Show WHY THESE THINGS As we read of the disaster ous floods and their attending results we ave know thac this question is being asked especially by many who are arc caught in the vortex of these disaster disasters ers and we are arc also receiving letters asking what is neav in the way of nature mature disturbances 1 in III behalf of a friedy in the eastern i part of the country who has recently I 1 benj benj out a message of Av warning arning in regard to ae he viry vi y things we have been stressing oer a period of several years we ave aber 0 affer a word of com went ment on one tout outstanding standing reference in her messages and one for foi which she may be called to account as we have been when bere seemed to be a discrepancy we refer to tle the part of of her tier message which stated that pennsylvania would escape disaster except in one particular spot and that spot is now low about the only place in that state which has seemed nt not to suffer from the flood waters if you will stop to think you will also recall that we are promised MINOR catastrophes first and that will be a series v v these happenings in various places beare e the FINAL CHANGES keep this his in mind as you read of the present conditions in the eastern s sates ates and especially ally in pennsylvania consider also the drouth dinuth and dust storms of the past year in the ilie midwest mid west states and you will realize that these things are happening as a warning to those avi wh o inhabit these states to lo take account of themselves so to speak we who have tried to give ample warning wa roling as we KNOW OF THE THINGS IN THE OFFING have been ridiculed arid and yet there are enough signs 06 li prove that we know whereof we speak it is true that the present happenings may well avell be called catastrophes but acey are light in comparison to what WILL HAPPEN when the mississippi river and the great lakes go on their rampage it is also true that some of the eastern states will suffer additional addition hardship and that many parts war near tile the coast lines will disappear di appear altogether a bu that tinie tini is not yet anti and there is still time to mak adjustments whereby those wiio nho lave jave now losi los their all may seek shelter in arre desi desirable rabe location which we know will be less Jang dangerous erous t live in at a later date |