Show MY DA rv to grow glow a I 1 r day ly by ilay day to gaind and body to obey i to keep my inner r li life f bolli boli clear anti ami ca A iz itofe iTo fr deiny 1 my ve life from guile my hands ite i amt v the door on hate and fena wf z fride Pride to apen then b to love the windows wide to meet with cheerful licals aaa coms comps com s to me to turn lifes discords inte bar harmony mony to share some gome weady workers woi kers heavy load to point some straying comrade on oil the road to know that what I 1 have is h not my illy own to feel that I 1 tin im never quite quila alone this would I 1 pray for lay day to day As I 1 go upon my way our ta |