Show K UP akk AS V 0 HABE reaal imp 11 10 r THE BLIND COYOTE MYTH OF THE UTE INDIANS editors note the following indian legend is one of se verral to be published in tile the san juan record arid and is i wiffen ly an authority on indian lore and c tu dr reagans brief stories are arc designed design Ld to I 1 provide fascinating reading to both children and grownups grown ups at t one time there was a coyote who was blind ile he could see just a I little out of his lead eye that was all ile he too would never believe hat bat people told him ire he doubted evcic thing that anyone said io b him but anything lie he said was all right light Il he ifould would always say pay no no to anything anybody said to him once he went with his wife avil e w 0 hunt buffalo lie he had bad bows and arrows I 1 after they had bad traveled some distance he be sat dawn on a rock to rest i his wife had bad jwo avo good eyes there are lots of buffalo bufalo here heie elie he said shoot them he shot several times I 1 somewhat at random and succeed bcd lcd in killing one but as he could not see his wife did noel tell him that he had bad instead she hid bid it so he would not stumble on to it IL however wever he thought he be had shot a buffalo and said 1 I killed one but his unfaithful wife said you missed it 1 after all the other buffalo had bad run off the wife feigned sleep and they camped near he had 3 shot h ot t the n e buffalo then when he was fast asleep she hefti him and took the meat far off so she could dry it she had left him there to starve for a long time he stayed there in an im as he could nol noi see to go anywhere ile he then made some medicine from an helb heib that grew on the rocks near his house this lie he rubbed on his eyes and soon sion his eyes were well then in the far distance he be saw a I 1 smoke of cf a camp fire to this lie he went and mere here he be sound found his wife drying the very meat that he had bad got with his bow and arrow I 1 and hen she elie saw hini him she drappel dead it never pays to do wrong |