Show 01 0 7 national topics interpreted by Will willeata Willia iata tn bruckart national press mulling building Wasi hington D C washington washing ton the presidents latest message to congress asking more than a billion and a thunder half in new dew money over relief to spend on relief as he sees fit has caused political thunder to rumble again it lias has brought out in the open much of the undercurrent of gossip that has been going on about political racketeering with ith federal funds and it has brought into sharp relief just attend ahead of the spring campaigning pai gning the fact that the federal government tins has used so methin like under tile the guise of relief lief since president roosevelt took office naturally the situation ta Is immersed sed in politics all of nf the charges that were lung flung at sir air roosevelt during previous sessions of congress when he had bad requested that he lie ile givert given as lie fie was given blank checks on n the lie treas ury have hare been revived lit hi addition new accusations and 01 II i of petty graft and political icil marb iii liml ions have hare been dug du up and flavinn flavin ivil il lit in the lace face of the new reir PP deal hoders more and more of these an coming to the surface and there Is no inn rp toy any question that throughout the relief organization there Is I 1 politics this Is true notwithstanding tile hn strongly worded statement by bv mr roosevelt loosevelt Koo sevelt that politics was riot not to figure in tile the administration of relief in tiny any way all AH of this lends up till to the conclusion that whenever the federal government horns in on administrative affairs of states counties or municipalities ink the becomes so extensive that it Is impossible for those at the top tn in wellington to know what goes on it Is hut bill another way of saying that the federal govern government men t ought to confine itself to federal affairs matters of national scope instead of attempting to supersede the local governments in any function since we are heading into a campaign in which mr roosevelt Is seeking reelection election re his charge opposition Is making r waste nasf e much of two phases of the spending and relief situations they are stressing the waste that they charge has permeated every phase of the relief erfort effort in the last three years as well as the waste that tins has taken place in the countless alphabetical agencies that mr roosevelt has built up in the federal era government tile the j ellef machinery roosevelt opponents claim has been converted into a gigantic political machine the chief object of which Is to reelect re elect mr rouses elt eft they claim as well that there has been created crea teda a bureaucracy that makes us as individuals responsible to a thousand little dictators who act as prosecution judge and jury over our every coming and going all of these are harsh accusations but there Is enough evidence avitt available lible now to make it appear that there Is at least some truth upon which such charges can be based of course politicians will magnify all phases of every subject which they discuss the opposition will make the crimes look heinous and the administration tion spokesmen will mike make everything look k pure neither one Is justified in going quite to the extent of the indicated trend it seems to me that voters ought not be fully convinced by either side but that they ought to examine the picture from the local viewpoint where the evidence Is firsthand and where the people who did a good job or who were guilty of fraud frand or corruption are known to tile the voters then if in november the election results for the whole hole country show a preponderance one way or another the voters will have established their will ns as being either cither in favor of or definitely opposed to management of such things from gloa 0 a 0 there are corneles in the united states in ID nearly every one of them there are a more and a 11 politics democratic county chairman in ganv of the counties the county chairmen are trying to use the and its reller relief setup for political advantage in tin an equal number of counties county eba chalai irwen en are arc watching for and reporting irregularities there can he no doubt therefore ihnat the charges about relief being used politically will increase in as the lie campaign progresses if there Is ground for tile alie charges so it Is made to appear tut thit the local voters will have a complete picture of conditions upon which to base their judgment two recent instances where important individuals have called attention to alleged corruption and political maneuvering under guidance of relief lenders leaders serve to support the contention I 1 have hae just advanced that the local will have complete facts before them I 1 refer to the charges kv hf senator linit holt democrat of west virginia that the whole relief organization in his state Is honeycombed with politics and the bitter at tack fly by governor Pin clint Peni pennsylvania mv upon what he called tile the man manhandling handling of nf relief administration in the file state in which he formerly was the chief executive relief all ad MIM ll with the aid of clims tins has denied these ailini apa in tolu tofu senator holt called the hopkins dellal a whitewash of life own appointees find and mr Pin erint turned loose a fresh fire this sort of thin tiling probably will de celop in every state in the union 0 I 1 referred to the presidential mes sage asking an additional billion lill llon and a half for relief and asks this would not mt have new taxes created cn aled quite so much of a storm had find it not fol followed loved closely on the heels of tile the white house for now new taxes the combination n nf taxes rind on an additional appropriation t to 0 lie ile used as previous blank checks chieck lieve anve been used by mr non seven it hns as enabled those who are op opposed to the president ident and those ho while they may support him for reelection election re fire are not in accord with will some of his pol policies kles lo ill make public statements of their positions to a better advantage than alian wits was possible before if they ball been little alile only to oppose reller relief administration supporters could have hare aceti accused qed them of being opposed to the relief of destitute to put taxes and a baarth check together simply offers additional ammunition and a good many members or of congress will use it defore the yew new relief appropriation Is voted I 1 think there Is no doubt that mr roosevelt nill hlll get tic the money hut but there vall be a great deal or of accusing and denying respectively before the vote Is taken that will ile be necessary in order to make a record upon which senators and representatives can seek reelection election re when mr roosevelt was voted sa a year ago his opponents threw up their hands find and said that you cant beat for reelection now one hears observations frequently expressed that while you cant beat for re elec tion it Is entirely pos possible gible that sa 4 ill plus its n almost I 1 most that much more way may beit beat itself in other words I 1 have attempted here to present a comprehensive analysis rt of the pros and cons in order to show that since poll ties lias has crept in has permeated the relief setup the lie AAA organization and other new deal agencies it Is entire ly possible for a reaction to develop whereby hereby the vast sum of money would he the cause or of defeat rather than the cause of reelection election re for mr Ronse roosevelt veIL I 1 ant am making no election prediction that would he be utterly foolish what whal I 1 have sought to do however plainly and simply Is to show how bov local com muni ties are going to rule the roost to a grealer extent in the 1030 1930 election than usually Is the case 0 a V much Is being made of the presidents proposal to tax the surpluses of corporations I 1 split on have hitherto report tax plan ed d to you something of the he nature of nf the tax proposals but there have been developments that bring the subject again to the tore fore one or of these perhaps the most interesting tine one Is differences feren ces that have arisen between men who are supposed to be the pros identa closest advisers professor Profess ni ot raymond floley now a magazine editor lately criticized the tax plan most rigorously in his at the same game time attention was directed here to the recorded attitude of prof rexford guy tugwell professor buzwell published a book called the industrial decline not so long ago and in that volume lie advocated tite alie control of capital by the driving of corporate surpluses into the open investment market by taxation these two views simply cannot be reconciled and yet they came from two individuals who have been very close to mr roosevelt in an advisory way eier eer since mr roosevelt entered the white house professor moley takes ohp position editorially that if during tile the depression american industry had been stripped of all surpluses few of even the greatest corporations could have survived ile he regards sar surpluses pluses as life insurance policies for corpo ra t tons and holds the conviction that s a corporation Is permitted to retain funds as it sees ot it cannot protect itself when our economic structure goes into a tailspin such as that through kalch aich we have been passing the dir difference ference in viewpoint of these two men allows a sad gad state of confusion among the economic planners ot of the more abundant life and demonstrates among other things that professor tugwell still has very great influence with the president while we have not heard many of professor tug wells wella speeches lately and it Is probably true as publicly stated hy by the opposition that professor tugwell liaa has been muzzled for the period of the campaign there are many things being done under presidential orders that have their arl origin in in the brain he fie Is proceeding merrily on his wily way with the resettlement administration program of which he Is head bend and tins has employees on his pay roll all of lab cl seems to to indicate that while professor vior tugwell will not make any more speeches calling upon farmers fa and laborers to ally themselves I 1 I 1 against our common enemy lie Is g still a very member of the new deal 0 western Nowa dulco |