Show Ferni feminine nine hands guided ireland long long ago the queens of ancient ireland and especially of ulster figure prominently in the history and folklore of the land abl this 3 fact Is one of the reasons w why by ireland is always represented asa beautiful rul woman states a writer to the new york world tele telegram mm wh who tells how flow one need only enter the ports of belfast londonderry or dublin to feel the shadowy presence of these queenly Cinderell Cinde rellas ag of tile the past part there Is hardly a district but what an ancient castle some relic or local songs or folklore do not contain reference to to a fairy queen of ireland Ili history story records that through feminine rivalry queen donis vied with one an other in primitive arts when the Mile Mlle slang or gaels gaeds first landed in ireland they were ruled by a queen named senta scota and they round here a called the hannans Dan Dana nans lins anil the were ruled by three kings who were not only brothers but mar tried to three sisters the names or of these three sister queens were elre ninba and flola finla and their three ni names tilles fire are often taken to signify ireland in filet fact fi freland reland Is paid mid to derive its name frow from the list sister eire in far distant times lines tile queens of Irela ireland tid wore clothes of seen different colors all and none hut but royalty might wear clothes of the silme saine colties coli col irs tirs A wise counsellor of the queen wore a n dres dorss 4 of six colors a nobleman nohle ninn of tile the couil couii was in five colors ant sit on according to rank down to ono oni cobor color it Is from these queenly col ors that early irish peasants peasant took their costume colors of dress at belfast one sees evidence of the reign of the great irish empress queen of the golden hair while the capital of northern ireland Is only three centuries cen old queen macha was born in ulster and ruled a all treland ireland for or seven years |