Show UNITIES HISTORY OF CO 2315 2515 andain creek F ll 11 monticello utah I 1 company 2515 is ia composed of VAI fsr l inus ims groups the firs of which lew foite douglas utah on a convoy oil trucks carrying supplies and equipment for tho the construction of a camp at monticello utah urah oil oa the morning of july 8 1935 wih this convoy j was lieutenant shelby and lieuten 1 arit ajit cherubini who were to oversee the of indian creek camp F 41 through the uri untiring tiring effort of ranger ivan christensen forest supervisor visar stewart and foreman Ray raymond mofid young the ground was cleared of oge brush scrub oaks and rocks construction il atis pis commenced ilien ced under the foremanship of henry carlson and co 2559 came in to existence Ad advance vince details were dispatched from fi om co springville Spring ville and co C bangham Brig harn city to aid in the consaul tion lion A short hort time liter later co 2359 2559 dis landed and the camp became is snub s ab of co construction was nearing nearing comple vion tn on september the first and the final slouches were ade to receive he company from froin fort knox keri tucky under lunder the command of captain wallace enrollees enrol Enro lees es left fort knox kent on sep SeV fember 13 1935 supposedly sup headed for california Cili fornis but were left in the unknown which was later I 1 known to them as thompson utah from there they started through a I 1 desolate appearing corinthy cori in trucks I 1 headed for monticello encouragement came to them when hey reached moab but after leaving this headed for places unknown their courage again f ailed them but never she ae less after a hard bard tiresome and rough ride over hills and through gli 1 veles with nothing to see but the black of night they arrived at monticello and were to the spot occupied by co 2015 A beautiful location at the foot of the blue Noun mountain tain with the moun lsinger lineer as a cen constant stant guide and companion the men who made the trip natum naturally lly needed lome rest but after iwo avo days of relaxation they stait ed work on the projects assigned to this company under the supervision of cf heler heker frost and project engineer horace rutledge thus the beginning az f co 2515 with cap hin ain wal walace ce lt seeby she by and lt cherubim ubia as officers dr kaplow was here st et this time taking charge of illness and loafers better known as goldbrickers gold giAd brickers ebon after the arrival of these men from fort knox kentucky a spike camp was established at indian creek a shott distance from the main camp and ai a number of hys bys were sent there to build acids this camp dida grea gret t deal of 61 work which con inked until the snow and cold forced them back to the main camp ion m oct 15 in the ater part of october the company purchased a round motion picture projector and built uie the rec reat iori hall in ichi lloa a motion roo ion picture theatre theater since this time shows have been been held beld twice aweeky ind have furnished much imich rea tation for the fell fellows arivs in camp and many of the towns town beope besides the picuris picures pc ures shown are arc the regular sound films is es shown in larger motion picture house following follo wiNT closely after those TO in Salt Lake city during the week ot of november the clifteen lif teen h another spike camp camp was ef e tab tabi abed jibed ari johnson creek fifteen miles fil trim nn branding blanding utah and in a warmer wanner more protected vace place the wor work Vilone done at this camp is very com mend ble and a great deal of this is due to the able abe forestry foremen for eillen Phil Hurst and raymond young in the later ater part of november dr came in to replace dr Kap loas c asnip nip surgeon surg pon on thanksgiving day the cai carp became comp complexly leely ni with the arrival of A J gleason the aduca chri advisor the fo lowing day work ans begun on an aducat awl bu buida iding ng ane 7 no building had previously been used for a drying rot roi ni and was in 3 condition it was cleaned ck anad out andreon and roon Floon n I 1 partition was mas buit anti and a lack of shelves for books made and the building ws ready for use clappes were and a jonm nete program organized whereby rn cn had the die c ell learn ingmore about the FUI FU I f their x continued on page 4 41 activities continued f from awat page interest the camp shows were being bein g well attended and provided a good program of recreation as well as education li for we the camp members on november the first twelve new er malkes em arrived ved from port fort knox kentucky to bring the company up to full s sreng strength bength reng th basketball became an interesting sport and a barracks barrack tournament was organized after a greab many thrilling games the honors A to barrack ab nb 7 after the tournament a camp team was selected and the games commenced theis team made a trip b provo prove luring during the holidays hoi days and pl pi two games osing losing both by a small score during their stay cne che boys saw sa sat t lake city and were escorted through the tabernacle saw tie he museum and some of tile the other points of interest work continued on the cods though at imes hines very disagreeable because of weather conditions bridges were constructed stakes set followed low edby by bul dozing grading gradin g etc to completion jampi tion of lie ae road surface boys not engaged in road work have wo worked aked on the high school at monticell Mon io and at the ranger sta tion and some few men have been kept in camp to mai main nain ain as well as improve the camp such as remodeling in T the ha 1 I 1 mes hall arid and adding to the education building ba basketball netball continued by games with teams of he high 2nd and close by camps each time our team made a very good showing winning winning most lost of the games in fact our toys boys lost hut but faur games lie he entire se season j arid and won fourvel fo fourt urven en I 1 I 1 men alen from indiana arrived on jan daiy 11 to camalete cam the strength ot I 1 the company bee because ause many of if the older members iff the company discharged by this time this camps boxing team sl s lagod boxing bosits bogits at abor icelo t nd st t moab the dalton wells camp I 1 being beine their opponents i ii I 1 the eari part of february this camp lost the bouts at monticello Moti cello but they ca cams 1131 out on top lop at the foai contest a i week lter I 1 A con company 1 I P any orchestra was argania 1 1 in january which was tt ft fi airet under the dir dire celon clon of mr james the high music tea chei but in alai maich ch due to his many other cespon I 1 1 ties he turned over the orchestra to mr gleason the educational i of this company this orches tra furnishes entertainment for pro grania on company nights as well es prays for most all canves the 0 af camp in the of february a spike pike camp was placed at moab utah to build spillway for the dam am there the boys stay in the harracks barracks of a deserted former camp the nik here is to be completed the first week in may dancea nances were originally hold held niri athly in camp in the mess hll 11 itil february when a community night was the last saturday in that month which consists of a show followed by a dance for which out our camp orchestra plays so far this has been successful and as asfar far s is now known will continue in ahe future the school profits as well iss the camp calup from froin these nights the camps motion picture machine is used and the school furnishes the hall awen 1 I five miles of i oads have been constructed dining this enrollment the johnson creek spike camp works aiom the other side of the blue mountains towards be main camp while those in the main camp work towards johnson cibek and they expect to meet some time dur 1 ing the summer the spillway at moab is wel on the way to completion due to the fack that the boys here wish avish to collect many pictures of this country they ave taken a real leal interest tc rest in arnauer ama vcr developing titi this affords them a profitable profi tabe pastime and thereby helps them make riger collections of photographs so far some ivery very good I 1 resets asu ts have been obtained many of cf ahe boys in this camp are lint interested crested in plying tennis this spring so 0 o they have bave started til construct a tennis bourl coin in their spare time so fat far the ground has been bulldozed bull dozed and stakes set for accurate leveling it is expected to ile be finished by he first of slay may now under the educational program educational pictures are shown weekly at the camp theater these pictures re aie the most up tip 0 o date methods in instruction on oil such subjects cs foi forestry estry agriculture manufacturing fac turing etc and a good visual program i we are glad to that ta the he ittem members beis of this company have lave accomplished I 1 comp complis dished hed their work satisfactorily and helped a great deal beal for the we acl 1 fare of this company yes indeed they leave le 11 e behind good reputation 3 and gool impressions impression not only culy among ale he boys bays camp but eliut anion afung tile the towns people is well wel we certainly appreciate their activities tivi ties during their term from alt all viewpoints and the credit goes to every individual of course they fee i proud of it tand we all olare these feelings with them now the tern term if IA enrollment is i s up and aboudi one bundled of the loys are resigning which shows thal tha they have enjoyed the cima life alaj desire to learn leani more moie about tile the community and its ts scenery as well as rain gai it knowledge anti and experience in the work of forded corded them here |