Show NEW PAIN preventive I 1 1 what is declared tobe a pain dead acad I 1 ener which will really make painless I 1 dentistry an accomplished fact has been announced hy by columbia university as a discovery by dr leroy LH ehartman L hartman artman of that institutions dental school the new desensitizer desensitize perfected by dr hartman after 20 years of research and experimentation is described as a solution which when applied to the surface of a tooth no i only prevents pi events pain but offers possibilities bili ties of sa ing teeth which would oher 0 berwise her wise have to be extracted it becomes effective in less than two minutes after application and remains effective from 20 minutes b an hour the deiv new solutions action is sald salato to be made possible by the dentin of thlik the new discovery is 0 o be patented and the rights assigned ts to cahim tia lia university which will control its price and quality so as to make it t available lo 10 the public and prevent commercial oom mercial exploitation dr hartman says the new desensitizer cau causes es no aftereffects aftereffect after effects effect as do certain other drugs and that its method of use is so si simple ap le that the patient need not be aware of its application plia tion if the new discovery does what is lamed for it the de deni its admani ion to open wider please this going to hurt may in time be accepted wih assurance by the patient in his chair wallace oki koski railroad employee of eldad wis at 63 raw e eggs P i ten y minutes when they were found cracked in shipment W X E remley of Mish awake lad iid swallower a handful of open safety pins ping in an attempt to commit suicide i but failed george hughes 96 of new bein N C expect k an addition to his famay in may he has a son franklin roosevelt highes born 14 months month ago his wife is in her early t teentie antie |