Show w rila need not have about waking family this newspaper anlin man IV Is h a allot t thought fill person and ita N very sel loin coill that hint lie leaves his w eveld evening 19 out hut lie ho did aso one eve alim recently intending to 16 be out only it atair half hour or go BO tle rite halt lioci stretched into several hours JIM lanil it was nearby midnight readied hollie lie ile thought as lie approached th alfo e door unit that lils ills wife and soil woul I lie be sound asleep at that hour so lie tiptoed softly after OP spelling elling find ills ing tile door mope quietly alian tha lifie lie li bad nl CY ever 0 r dorte t ione before divoll lire diore ore gently ti tanni all 11 sual lest lie be disturb tile sleepers lit lie finally readied ills own wit ilont hearing any ally sound 0 to o Indicate that lie hall awakened anybody next morning at break breakfast fak ills wife casually told him all eliat it she went out to play bridge the night before and ild did not reach home until hours after ills own arrival tile son rea readied clied home even later than ills mother mot lier Ilus husband brind and father stilt still believes in being thoughtful and hopes liel he disturb tile family cat brockton hn a ter prise |