Show FARM FA n 0 attly CUTTING DOWN ON FEED FEED MEANS LOSS curtailing mash ini in the late summer reduces eggs cutting town down the poultry teed feed es ea liec PeC lully 1 tile lie laying mash in ID summer BUiu nier means that laying will be seriously curtal leil ow only for the present sea sun bol luler laler our experimental records show 1 thail chit l ill ti cartall curti ill ur or discontinue lie tiny lay ing hinsh to liens hens luring during lute late will result in pour poor yields of if eggs la III ter tei says dr n R F knupp liend ot of the poultry department ut all the north Varo litin suite stute college the body of the hen must he farst and if sufficient feed Is IP not furnished she will 11 use e that given for egg production to bull hulad up her body Product production lon ot of egg anys will fall offend it t tire the lieu bell draws on tier her hody body supply ot of nutrients the she will stiffer in rigor so later inter will not he be satisfactory if not sufficiently fed the hen will draw oil her body supply of fat to build the yolk of ahe he egg eg and on bet ber storehouse of minerals and vitar nive to put into alie egg ege this dro drainage inage the condition of 0 fit hie body says doctor knupp and undermines anines the health of tile the bird lie ile insists that the lien hen needs amash feed along with the right amount of grain each day when putting on the new growth ol of aota reuthers fent ren liers she needs need additional cure and white corn red fed alone will not give A hen all the food nutrients needed while the egg Is 61 05 per cent water if also contains to 10 per cent of fat 14 per cent of protein and 11 per cent of minerals mostly in the shell therefore laying hens hena must have a grind inking find and feed ench each day in thu the year in n addition to this end each hen must also hove at least seven pounds of green feed to each too birds every adny it if these requirements are met there Is tin no renson why some eggs might not he be secured throughout hoat the summer ind the body of the bird stiffer buffer no diminution in for future pro ani |