Show varying maryin opinions as to wood boultt all should have there isa is a house in chelsea Cli elsea which bears the intriguing sign the house of tit the nine cooks the nine books are those which in tile occupiers opinion ought to be in every lionie they are the nible bible platos re ile public IIo iner horace the arabian an nights Xii litSi dantes divine comedy don quixote shakespeare and tales tale S 11 this Is nn list but liow how nany many eppic pc anle wi thIt many of 0 us would like to substitute 1111 tont for florace II and if 1 crimin Is included Include I for the childrens becent wolli dilt I 1 inns fintis anderson be a better C cli holce olce but no two people would make out the silme list what would you say were tile nine books that ought to be ba in every home write them bliem down dowa and ask your friends to do the same and you will be amazed both at the tha variety of the titles and also at the tha way in which some of them occur in every or almost every list london answers |