Show EO ROGERSON DIES IN the sad and news was rec received deiv ed hers here saturday atu iday that aco halls rogerson Rogers vh eon of mis S J rogerson Rogeis Ro geison oh had died arrangements piere ere early that morning arrangements were made immediately fately to have the body shipped here sy for burial and 11 mrs irs rogerson accompanied iby by fred fled jensen went there monday anda to bring the remains home S geo halls rogerson was born to 1 clr and mis J E Roger rogerson sonin in monti 42 allo ilo inthe in the year 1889 when a young oy he had the misfortune to receive n injury to his spine from which he be easily grew worse through manhood til it binally over overcame canle his physical distance si tance and from aich he died funeral services are being held biffi gratbo the rogerson home this after op ii asilie as aalthe ilie paper g goes kt to 0 ariss press |