Show the right aoe age for marrying 1 1 by JEAN NEWTON 46 W do you sou consider the right a oge ge tor for rna marrying ing one of our renders readers asks and with that she sends me a recent editorial giving statistics ath gathered cred by a life insurance company on the probability of marriage at various ages A girls chances cli ances of 0 marriage falloff fall off sharply after she reaches the age of twenty fie while the young mans c chances ances increase for a time after that age we ne are told the twenty year old girl has a better chance of marrying within ten years than the young man of the same age by the time each readies reaches the age of twenty five h however however tile the tables are turned for t the lie young woman has less chance as years go by and the young man more chance to take the marital vows we dont know what the moral of this should be the editorial contin ues aes other than the obvious advice for girls to marry when they get a chance and young men to take their time and be cautious we can subscribe to the latter part of that moral for or girls as well as men for they are no less in need of advice to be cautious but it Is a dangerous and a vicious moral noral i that would advise girls that at the right time tor for them ther nto to marry Is as soon as they have the chance I 1 must we invoke that old slaying saying imarri I marry in haste repent at leisure the right age for a girl to marry Is I 1 when she meets the right ahn man not oil not by any means when she has her first chance unless the two events happen to take place at tile tho same time I 1 ot of course many a mr wrong originally looked like a mr right and we have even heard of cases where a girl married without love and later learned to love loe the husband with whom she lived happily ever but to give ourselves the benefit of tile the doubt in this lottery in which it lias has been sold said every women marries a stranger a girl should at least be positive at the time that the man upon whom depends tile the whole future trend of tier her existence Is tire the right man inan and not merely the first man who iho tins has asked her there have no doubt come times to some single women ft when hen it seemed to them that almost any husband would be better than no husband at all but if those women only knew it they were living lives of joy and delight compared to women who felt themselves crucified by marriage to the wrong man to know for certain that a mans true name Is right for you Is some tiling that no mortal can tell you hearts have been known to go wrong and ad heads too butla but if a girl wants at least to give herself the breaks the right timeto time to marry many Is when the man aho to herAs her Is mr right asks her 0 0 1330 1030 bell syndicate |