Show the more we have afave the more we want by M K THOMSON ph D NONE of us Is completely satisfied i before we get what we want we think we are going to be thoroughly happy but always there ja lis something ahead of us that we are looking for ward to Comil complete lete satisfaction means stagnation death and decay there Is no greater spur to achievement than the desire to reach a notch higher in the social scale in ones profession in expanding a business in malting making ailey money P or whatever it la Is that we are s striving for we are never satisfied beci because we live in sn n imperfect world no matter how far we may go in any line lifie of activity there is ig always room for improvement in provement pro vent the average man thinks he would be satisfied it he could run a hundred yards lards in ton ten seconds put lut the athlete who can run it even a little under ten seconds Is nil all tile the more eager to run it just a little faster the more we have the more we want tile the more we can do the more we want to do dissatisfaction Is a mark of ability and ambition it Is often the mark of pro progress iress tho the nan man who alms at a target on tile ground close by may hit it with ease while the man who alms at the sun shoots much higher although he will w miss his target by a big margin there Is less chance for perfect satisfaction is for a man of skill and e ability than for the poor Door fellow who tins liaa nothing and can do nothing tile english philosopher japes james S mill must have sensed tills psychological truth when he said it Is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satis fi it Is better to be a socrates dissatisfied than a tool fool satisfied 11 ME E by mcclure Now snaDer Daver Syndic Syndicate atea I c |