Show THE KOLB BROTHERS FIND FINDA A GIANT CAVERN the following from the Coi coconino conino flagstaff ariz sun aill be of interest ao to readers t emory and elsworth kolb of grand juanyon jC anyon whose various expeditions through the grand giand and other canyons odthe colorado river liver comprise ompre some of the most thrilling chapters i in americas arai ami or I 1 cals most dangerous adventure lore h had hd a complicated danger dangerous bui new thrill a few weeks ago in 1903 with field glasses they discovered a hitherto unknown cataract of gibat great height in the clear creek cheek canyon caby on branch of grand canyon off tha noth th rim 22 miles east of f bright agal canyon anyon and the union pacific hotel in IMS 1948 elsworth and another man visited the legion reg lon above the tar act the ille highest in america Arnen cai bopping bopping opping feet in four leaps and i sc that it came from oni thel the I 1 auth of a huge cave away up in the sheer icer limestone canyon wall they also discovered a small and beautiful dutiful auti ful natural bridge which now that bat they have it located they can plainly ainaly see through the telescope e a at t their belr grand canyon studio so rece ti Y E emory T ory and ells ellsworth worth woith who ho had ticked risked their heir lives lies hundreds eds 61 ames et exploring the canyon land ana its tributa tributaries ries decided to i ture tuie forth and explore the cave J amory E mory drove by way of lees ferry I 1 bridge with lthrop ropes es and a few other needful things abut as it afterward after waid proved pi oved without enough variety or j enough elaugh of the kinds they had and i ellsorth Sll rth flew acroix the canyon to 10 1 meet elect lect him I 1 tho found a spot on the rim C exactly acely oyer over the cave which was 2 2000 foet t down from biere and another ano thousand feet above clear creek ot which wc the falls falli are aie the source with taves 1 tacy let themselves dov mn n from one narrow ledge edge to anther until they reached the one from which the fine descent of several hundred bundled feet must be made they discovered they have tope rope enough for a four way block and tackle and ma made de a three way they alle anchored bored a short abort log for boom in t the he meantime the weather got bad eventually ellsworth swung out over the edge for the last drop emory handling the rope when ellsworth was down about feet with 2000 feet of nothing directly beneath a terrific electrical storm broke accompanied compa nied y exceptionally heavy beavy yain rain and hail acif the wet ropes began to whir pj ethis This is snagged the tackle mocks so sp klor emory y could neither hoist his betherl herback brt chck up nor let him farther down from where he had to manipulate the rope he even see ellsworth rth the storm was making so much nolie noise ho he hear any of the directions ellsworth might try to shout to him 1 finally emory threw down a tole pole with which ellsworth who was unable to reach the canyon wall with his lands hands could push against it and thus whirl himself around to untwist the ropes tc emory said for some time he he thought he might have to leave ella worth hanging there while he went for help which would have been MOT more e than a day ellsworth found the cave a natural wonder its arch measures 00 feet inside it is very muck much higher and wider on the floor is a lake 60 feet ac across ros s away back in the cave lie he hear bear subterranean cataracts catar acta the roof is so high ho he throw a rock too to it the lights from his flares failed to show the roof homade he made several camera exposures with ohp old aid of flares but that of blackness defeated him and development of the negatives failed to show bow anything g ellsorth said tast w while hile jie did manage to skirt one side of t the he ice cold ink lake e about feet it would be nece necessary ass ry to use a canvas boat tn in going back any great di distance siance the cave ts is in limestone ellsworth found no stalactites s or stalagmites mites the brothers left the ropes and ta tackles akles where they used them for foi anyone who wishes to use them or perhaps they may go tack back there themselves they stayed about as long as they cared to down the side of the cliff three nights without beds even without hats their shirts torn off by their exertions in the storm with an egg sandwich their only food for tw two 0 days they were glad to get back home clear creek is about the th size of them the creek below el tovar hotel at indian gardens the government some arpe time ago stocked it with trout emory od od the sun saturday that he and his brother found a ot of prehistoric ruins below tie the cavo cave the indians never reached ih thi cave however there was vas ino DO way for them to do it |