Show I 1 finest parchment made in in small english town tn in davant havant Ilai england there flourishes flou illies a bund band of men engaged in milling the linest pareli ment in the world they possess a willi ins been passed from fa ber to son for i centuries tn ili fact norman or ahnes men inon were dressing elfei skins sic 1 ns lit at davant havant und their decena dec end 1 all nuts ts fillow fi the same trade ti de at pre pies s put ent Is one mail mio lio lias ins worked nt at it loi for 75 years two other nun men am lave 0 02 and ou 00 bears tais ebie service ei ie behind thein one ol of the partners in the firm Is a magic prang parchment input making Is ig a long 1019 III icess and water plays a great pint part at davant havant there Is a spring ot of a special degree of cli and although chemical experiments have e been made no water anter lias has licen been pro pio deuced tint dint can rhal tills i milea produces a pearliness to be found no other parchment |