Show 9 01 fill r iff E A EK AD E by evelyn campbell service 3 ef copyright by evelyn camphell Cam can g far 1 3 CHAPTER IV continued 9 why you tell me you were ns as hard up us as all that lie he demanded harshly he was waa genuinely alarmed armed nl anything might haie have happened why good d 1 d dl I 1 girl to think of you sou running about over the country without a dollar in your pocket borrowing from strangers tricking them she finished her face had beonie become muted she slumped wearily in tier lier chair it Is nothing new I 1 have lived that way done s like ike that so ahny many times but he know heams he has no idea hae you returned ret orned the money he loaned ou converse arse demanded deman fled suddenly slie site shook her head dumbly humiliation milia tion could strike no deeper than that when they were in the taxi lie took une of tier her hands in his hot palm pa ain and filled it with bills and loathing his touch she must let her own hand lie there inert presently he said 1 I 1 am glad it was ansley hes a decent chap not likely to take advantage of such an experience who icho Is he how well do you know him the senator leaned back and lighted a cigarette he was comfortable again feeling the situation in ills his hands A promising youngster but poor lies hes after a diplomatic job aud and has asked me to help him perhaps I 1 will perhaps not depends lie he gave her a narrow lhrrow glance but her long lashes lay iny ill upon 0 her im mobile cheeks lie he added I 1 in a heller tone uy by the way ill tell I 1 stevens to take this flits out of your liec ec when hp be forwards it slie she began nto to fold tile money into a neat little square quare s pocket do please it will be less awkward already the wall all of pretense was swung magically between them and she sheltered thankfully fully behind it licking her bruises but tile the senator looking over was nas well content it had not out so EO badly after all hurt women are weak women always CHAPTER V brief happiness it was exactly exactly eleven when she beat helid ili lains eager voice over oer the telephone 1 I ive ve been waiting two hours walting waiting for foi what for eleven you said eleven she elie Inu glied are you always so obedient ent abell you were a young oung ster did yun you tel get till all the cards market marked tor a good boy bor ills his voice sounded founded when lie he refilled and ae he remembered that men never neer like to he be tensed teased liv by the ab sent 4 1 I did not wont to disturb you parlier earlier linda laughed nguan with sudden galety gaiety tills this was so different from the way men usually talked to tier her she told him to meet her at th the e filtz at tour and presently the conneran tion was over and she hand had turned awny with cheeks that glowed cloned faintly apt and a light in her eyes slie site thought ot of him film almost constan t ly during the next nc fe v hours there was a great deal to do after hr her ab sence and she hold had leont to stay in doore going over her wardrobe and the ireat great of 0 letters that tied had accumulated in her month of absence nt sence site she disliked both tasks for thu ward robe meant gowns that had find lost their freshness and the lie letters were neaita all unpleasant hills bills it was a relief to think of brian instead he ha vies so no young so with alth his open admiration for herl her I 1 and lie he made tier feel young 1 mure coin once she had found herself think ing of herself lier self as tired workout and beiras atie vas oular twenty four our brian with hit blei candid yes eyes litsi spontaneous smile Us kis up eammon nail real chivalry gave her back the years that had sunk bank with their hurts into obscurity lie came so eagerly to their ap that be must have hare been counting the minutes that kept it uway out but he found tier her changed paler than linn site she had been in the flush flash and clamor of the restaurant aadlan and an air of weariness about tier lier site she was dressed exquisitely in a close block black velvet thing that ninde made oil all the other women seem to have something vaguely y wrong about them the moment they they need fared one another across the little table lindo spoke of the tiny loan lie he had ninde made tier her 1 wanted to return it myself she said d softly and that Is why I 1 did not send it to you at once lie ile took the bills and folded them away in a shabby little billfold that eliat she mis rather tint flat from the first site she bod gained the impression that he was ivas not very ery well ell off rine one of those youna jouni men with a future waiting nailing to bf be timed curved by ii willing illIng hands 1 rite I lie thought made tier her smile 11 little it was ansy to picture brian ansley curving ills strong brown lingers fingers lind a wiy way of forceful grasping even the tenius looked extraordinarily fragile as lie he handled it ile he dl lid not nely the hie import of her words lie he wits much too enchanted by tier lier eyes ees they sat there playing with their tea lea and linda itoch discovered that site she wits was happier than she had lieen been for along time site she told herself that this was in a way nay a sort sorl of holiday she could not afford to play piny with ft ath poor young men however hut but now she could breathe freely she knew that converse would keep she h his s word tin and that in ili a day or two she i pa have you returned the money he loaned you converse demanded suddenly w would have a check to tide her over she deliberately shut her eyes to to the miracle of how this ans to be accomplished P I 1 shed the the fantasy of the stock certificates bad grown into a permanent institution that could always be depended upon she felt amiable and light hearted in ili spite of her a and d the delicate languor that wits a part of heri her brians eyes made mada her feel very young what shall we do he asked when the pretense of tea was over there arent any windows to peer peep into in new york what non nonsense 1 site she cried galty gaily there are millions millIon st but most mold ot of them abeso areso are so hideously expensive that we not all of them he reminded her losing hla his sm smile did you ever ride anthe elevated elevate ill site she shuddered dont please I 1 those dreadful win windows dowst 1 I 1 do not like to think althem ol 01 them no our little game belonged to the place where we found it we ve see tile the same things here 1 I wish you hate poverty so lie said gravely who she said rising she ahe could not believe that he was la in earnest the day was warm for february there was it smothering down pressing haze in the air a warning of change they walled slowly along the i avenue where plenty of other women n as well dressed us its linda but not looking it w were ere also walking in spite of the damp h in p I 1 pavement they were all looking ng eagerly into shop windows that had bloomed and flowered into spring these windows were m marvelous marv olous furs and laces flashing jewels and silk petticoats wonderful hats and lell del cile lente lace fans lounged loun gei gracefully against their backgrounds an insolent french doll in a wisp of chantilly wore a priceless sable around her neck linda paused before one winlow window where a single small hat perched on it a purple pedestal ilov ile lovely 1 she exclaimed but brian was ras loosing loo ing at the yellow anze that touched the bare trees in the dlin dim park with the wren wrenched thed veil of mystery im not rich you know brian sald said thoughtfully thoughtfully and I 1 wish you hate bate poverty so flint you could help me come to a n decision TO BE CONTINUED |