Show literally throwing down the gauntlet on the fight for the tax amendments ts the citizens tax revision M leave league has challenged opponents of tax x reform to conic come bot openly and tate state their position in a public statement issued recently W W armstrong president r of f the league openly charged that some organizations actuated by selfish is motives are attempting to confound the people by ti throwing rowing out a smoke screen picturing all sorts of direful consequences that can never materialize i if the amendments are arc passed under the pretense that they seek only to acquaint tile the people with the facts mr BIT armstrong charged that certain interests and organizations are asking questions raising doubts in in tre tie minds of the people in a concerted campaign campo ign to so confound the peoples people on the subject of taxation that they will vote against the amendments these groups mr armstrong declared are arc favored under the present tax system by reason of enjoying special tax and exemptions they now wish to defeat the amendments in order to perpetuate and continue the tax system which has granted grante 1 them such exemptions even though imposing an undue burden and ari unfair ghar ARTS of upon people and property lai laiwa WT taw ll |