Show remarkable salt lake in central australia anke eyre might bo be called austra austin tills great salt luke it ii dislocated located Is only about miles south southeast e ast of tin the geographical graphical co center of the continent mid and because of its deserts desert u di ng lifts has been called Austi allas alias delta heart hc nit the lake inke and its immediate surroundings roun dings constitute the only aen lit in australia Austi illa that hint lies below sea I 1 leel I 1 2 its shore line Is 30 9 feet lower loer thail tile ocean waters that suri aund the continent the hie bottom of tile lako can can be considered with little liioi al tit nt the same saino level ee for lake E vre irs Is in reality only a tremendous tiemen dous salt sait lit flat tl ti it at Is 19 covered bied front time to t time me with a few fen inches of water it becomes a lake after di 11 me are broken ti by unusual rains inthir fin fill away queensland plains so that hint rush down doan tb the 0 itts usually ally dry alpi courses coin sos ehilt lend to io abi this closed basin but quickly the shallow covering coell ng pf af water fanter evajo rates and the lake bo be comes hist first damp audrien aud dien then dry di |