Show TABLE LEGS for SALE C south sout the fruit fault of ills his foly next tuesday evening mrs J M livingstone Is reco recovering Terl rig from a severe attack of rheumatism numerous remedies advertised to cure a cold in one day colds are as plentiful as ever and just as hard bard to get rid of randolph hotel arrivals A L baker jos E cashin casbin mrs rosaline casul casbin alex fife Fire evanston wyo J A Lin lincolm calm L C cone salt lake city those who think that americans cannot fight as well as make money should study the history of this country a little ittle it will show them how mistaken they are there Is no time like now A duty neglected today to day may result in disaster tomorrow we know of a man biose insurance policy expire i at noon and at four his house was in ashes some folks call tace things tad luck lock they are ara pure carelessness paris post it if the alic people would urethe use the same diligence in spread spreading lug the good things they licar hear and know atut people that they do in heral ing every hint or rumor of bad the world would he better off and the tattler and faultfinder would have a surer chance for heaven paris post itis it is or should be the highest aim of every merchant to please his bis customers and that the wideawake wide awake drug firm of meyers eshleman St ersing ill is doing so is proven by the following fro from manir mr eshleman in my sixteen years experience in the drug business 1 nave have never seen or cold or tried a medicine that gave as good satisfaction is as chamberlains colic cholera and ciari diarrhoea acea remedy sold by all medicine dealers the angel of death visited the home of john F and mary on wednesday and bereft them of their darling babygirl baby girl annie ellen aged one year one month and days the little one had bad been for some time with pneumonia but to arajs ls the last she rallied somewhat which gave rise to hopes that she would recover but it was not to be for despite all that kind and loving hands did for her she left tins this sphere a brighter and more glorious home iier her parents have the sympathy of the whole community with them in their affliction funeral services were held in the meeting house on fri ay it if a man works tor for you and does not suit lie he is but would you be justified in pursuing the man and in preventing his getting work elsewhere we think not and yet that is the very thing some railroad companies and other corporations do it is the ref refinement of cruelty the blacklisting of any man is h heartless and in every instance should be exposed and punished the statute ol of the abe state against blacklisting was timely tor for every man should have a chance and not be crushed because ho he may have made a mistake and got fired I 1 being discharged was punishment enough every avenue in which he might make a living should not lie be closed to him bim the commonwealth |