Show itan roads to huai troops atlanta ga march 14 orders have been received here by the master mechanics of all the railroads entering the city to have every engine steamed up tip and ready for use at a moments notice A trip to the round houses of several roads did not elicit any information those in charge said the engines were merely fired up for emergency and that they always kept borne some ready to be sent out tit in case of a breakdown break down or putting out of extra trains it was denied that any other order had been received to have any extra number of engines ready for use though the report was current around the shops that a movement of troops was expected early in the N vi eek acting on instructions believed to have been received recently the western atlantic shops have a full force at work engines which have not been used for a year and freight cars abandoned some timo time ago are to be overhauled and all rolling stock is being repaired the conference of railroad men in washington has lent color to the report that emergency work had been ordered on several of the roads although it is denied that such an order has been issued and it is known that information has reached atlanta looking to the pushing of this work |