Show AN EDITORS PRAYER the talented editor of the texar kanlan is said by an exchange to have attended church services a few days ago and when called upon to lead in prayer responded in this fashion alm almighty gaty and kind father who from thy throne loosest down upon the government of men and delinquent del subscribers most hambly do we beseech thee to draw near unto them and whisper a few things into their ears that the statues forbid us to print thou our wants but the subscribers bers them not and seldom stops to inquire let it be known to them that there are large patches on the homestead of our pants and an J there is aching void in the front of our backs and that we burger and thirst aud and he asketh us not to sup with him thou kno know etti lord that our print paper and ink cost money but the subscriber it not and careth a darned sightless sight less thou that we are cold and the subscriber briDge bridgeta tb not the wood he promised and we are shivering and shaking while he roast eth his shins before the red hot stove of his mother in law tell him all these things lord and it if he then bri ngeth no succor banish him to the lower region to dwell among the calamity howlers bowlers how lers and thine shall be the praise through our newspaper career amen |