Show NAVY AUXILIARY special board detailed to examine vessels Of offered fored washington march 12 the hoard board of naval bureau chiefs find it imp impossible I 1 to pass judgment in washington upon the fitness for naval service of vessels that may bo be offered for the auxiliary branch of the navy at the various seaports so they have been aided in their work by the creation of a special board which will undertake to visit each of the ports where ships may be offered and make a careful and p personal personal inspection of the various crafts the board will consist ot of cap taid rodgers lieutenant commander kelly passed assistant engineer dixon assistant naval constructor taw resy and lieutenant sargeant lieutenant keuy kelly has been specially charged with the inspection of the merchant ves vessels als suitable for naval service lie he will be of great service as a member of the board the Nash nashville villo arrived at key west wesl toda today y while the marblehead arrived at tampa the naval officials will not state the purpose of tho the visit to tampa |