Show snow some blow some more snow and some more blow splendid weather vather for the ranges A 0 C call ot of woodruff was in town this week OATS 90 cents per cwt cat at beeman cashin Cis liln mer co jos S moffat or of meadowville Meadow ville was driving his chariot through our sti streets beets on thursday calders sons of salt lake city make no extra charge for putting musical instruments down at evanston NATIVE HERBS 1 BOX AT lake town coop co op JOSEF IT IRWIN agent tor for northern rich county why remain sick or in pain when you can an be cured by using pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET pope sole agent randolph utah when you buy an organ or piano get tb ebest cst the kimball lathe best and took the gold medal at the worlds fair calders sons keep them in stock we call the attention of our readers to the new ady adv of the consolidated implement co ot of montpelier mckinnon johnson are the agents for randolph and woodruff lion hon david S cook the enterprising merchant of garden city was in town last friday after e r load of freight tor for his bis store lie he returned home on saturday montpelier examiner CITAL CHALLENGE LENGE the fr base ball team challenges any team I 1 iu a the county the members ot of the team are willis call frank Iluf faker C W walton L H walton edward S sessions samuel neville lorence putnam C rental renel walton REUEL WALTON captain on the f feb 20 1895 1893 1 I was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed un until t I 1 I 1 may i when lien I 1 got a hot bot chamberlains pain balm the first application of it relieved me almost entirely of pain and the second afforded afforde d complete relief in a short time I 1 was able to he be up and about again A T MOREAUX NIO REAUx luverne minn sold by all medicine dealers lie he hadland had sand in his sumar sugar in his currants were flies his whiskey askey was watered wate reil I 1 tell you no lies potatoes were frozen his crackers were stale his chease over this cewill we will draw a thick yell veil ills cookies were musty his vinegar was weak his molasses all gone and his barrel sprung a leak let us add to the sad tale that he has tears in tits his eyes the sheriff has the key liedig he iad not advertise ex mckinnon johnson are arc prepared to furnish estimates for placing red eed jacket pumps in wells to any depth from 10 to feet and will guarantee that each and every pump will do satisfactory is work or will be exchanged for ons one that will work up to date although this guarantee has been in effect for the last three years year there has never been a single instance known where a red jacket pump has hail had to be taken from a well and replaced cepl iced by a pump of the red jacket or any other make once upon a time says an exchange a bright young filow f ilow took a printing outfit to one of the far western states intending to start a newspaper but linding finding no place to suit lie took up a clam and commenced farming the crop failed and he unpacked ills his printing material and issued a weekly paper from an imaginary magi nary town with fictitious news and personals breezy notices of social events theatrical pert romances and court trials all in liis his mind filled columns balth ads of imaginary business houses until his big paper attracted attention avd ard a town was bul built it upon his faim this sounds like a myth but a good newspaper does help to make a town |