Show A WORD OP OF ADVICE to ro those coming to alaska or the G gold 0 id fields ono thing should lie be impressed upon every miner prospector or trader coming coining comin in to alaska to the klondike or the yukon country and that Is the necea ity for providing an adequate and proper food supply whether procured in the states in the dominion or at the supply stores here or further on oil this must be its his primary concern upon the manner in which the miner has observed or neglected this precaution more than upon any other one thing will his success or failure depend these supplies must be healthful and should be concentrated IAH but the most careful attention in the selection selection ot of foods that will keep unimpaired indefinitely under all the condition which they will have to encounter Is imperative pera tive for instance as bread raised with baking powder must be relied upon tor for the chief part of 0 every meal imagine the helplessness ot of a miner with a can of spoiled baking powder buy only the very best flour dour it is tho the cheapest in the end experience lia has 3 shown the royal baking powder to be the most rel reliable lible and the tra trading ling companies now uniformly supply this brand as others will not keep in this climate do be sure that the bacon Is sweet sound and thoroughly cured these are the absolute necessities upon which all must place a chief rel reliance I 1 ance and can under no circumstances be neglected they may ot of coi course lyse be supplemented by as many comforts or delicacies as the prospector may be able to pack or desire to pay tor fori prom from the alaska mining journal A book of receipts for all kinds ot of cookery which is specially valuable tor for use ilse upon the trall trail or in the camp Is published by the royal baking powder company of new york the receipts are thoroughly practical and the methods are arc carefully explained so that the inexperienced may with its aid readily prepare everything requisite for a good wholesome meal or even dainties it he has the necessary materials the matter is in compact though durable form the whole book weighing but two ounces under a special arrangement this book will be sent free to miners or others who may desire it we would recommend that every one going to the klondike procure a copy address the royal baking powder co new york |