Show utilizing the lie dandelion Il harvest arvest the following is from the N national stockman and r farmer armer question we have in this his locality a good deal ot of dandelion that comes early in the spring and is splendid for the bees to build up on but they frequently store a surplus from it that is not desirable honey could 1 I by keeping oft off the surplus arrangements induce them to swarm earlier so they will fill the ill hive V e from the dandelion and thereby be ready to store the surplus from white clover would the swarm be likely to bo be as strong as it 1 they were allowed to store a surplus before swarming A S W answer you yoli can do something toward inducing earlier swarming by giving the bees less room but it if they swarm early because crowded you can easily see that it if they had bad more room and swarm they would become stronger and so BO would throw off heavier swarms probably it would be a little difficult to get the bees beeg to swarm so early that the swarm would fill up their brood combs with enough dandelion honey so the clover honey would all go into the sections dut but you might compass your purpose in a little different way give ill the queen all the room she will occupy during dand dandelion clion harvest either by putting a second story under the hive or by taking away from the hivo hive combs filled with dandelion honey replacing them with empty combs or frames filled with foundation that would give you strong colonies and strong swarms and when the swarms were hived dived you could give them the extra combs of dandelion honey and that would be practically the same as it they should swarm a little earlier and fill up on dandelion honey themselves |