Show A NEW DEPARTURE g 3 fron from this time it j 3 until further notice BECKWITH LAUDER will treat produce the same as cash in the 0 sj 1 N distribution of premiums pictures will be ac M enlarged valuable books will be given J outright besides a splendid variety of pictures in the latest styles will be GIVEN AWAT AWA olt ilij AREA BRING IN YER MUM beckwith Beok with lauder 0 I 1 NOTICE on account of the funeral of the daughter of J F and mary spencer oc curIng on frilay friday the theatrical performance advertised for that date Is postponed until tuesday march 22 this 0 only tri 40 A steel world range beater why under heavens should bould people send away for steel ranier or anything else for that matter alien wh en they can do better with us we also carry the MAJESTIC STEWART r ranges and everything in FURNITURE and house furnishings as well as WAGONS SLEIGHS and implements oats 90 cents 6 wheat sa s1 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN CASHIN MER COs co thep cople that hold up of produce I 1 KS tetter sau salt nacum rn mid and rezeina eczema the intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying chamberlains Chamber laina eye and skin ointment many very bad cases cares have been permanently cured by it it is ig equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore bore nipples chapped hands chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25 acts per box dr cadyga cadys condition powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and rugo tuge they are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition price 25 centa per package WE HAVE just received a large stock of spring and p summer dry goods consisting of y PRINTS Pe perciles percales Per cales reales fine white goods ginghams Shir tings 1 dress goods ladies wrappers shirt waists collars and cuffs y ribbons pearl buttons domens outings I 1 y we also have a good assortment of boys w pants from 50 up CJ ALSO 7 a line alle of parasols and umbrellas y CALL AND SEE US t CJ t mail orders will have prompt attention i mckinnon johnson LEGAL NOTICE estate of dexter litchfield deceased tho the undersigned undersigner Under signed will soil at public auction the following described roal real property to wit the west halt half of the northwest quarter and the Nort northwest hvest quarter ot of the southwest quarter barter of section no 26 and the northeast quarter arter of the northeast quarter of section no 0 27 all in township no 13 north 0 of range bailee no 7 fast east of 0 the salt lale lake meridian containing acres all in rich county utah at 12 noon on monday the day of march A 1 D I 1 at the front door 0 of the court house at randolph rich eich county utah for cash to the highest and best bidder ton tea cua per cent payable blo at the time of 0 sal sale e and the balance nce upon pon confirmation 0 sale e by the court CH VELIER E JENSEN administrator of 0 the estate of dexter deiter litchfield deceased dated march 1 ISM J H at attorney torney tor for plaintiff first publication march 5 IM NOTICE FOR publication no 3 land office at salt lake city utah february 11 NOTICE is beroby hereby given that the following named settler has bas filed I 1 led notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo be me made a before the county clerk of rich county utah at randolph utah on march 26 IM FERNANDO FERNANCO MILLER of woodruff utah H E for the N 3 1 S E 14 see sec 13 tp 9 N R 8 E S L M he names name the following follo winK witnesses to prove hi his 3 c continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz iz jabez C lee william leo lee charles lee and frank lee all of 0 woodruff utah H R N mcgrew register first publication february 19 all pumps need repairing sometime tz CO j why not get A j g 03 0 red jacket 0 g 4 s 21 0 pa D its s so easy to fix CD aw M iv ti y cs ca rd id g 0 CD TA in 1 41 4 1 4 1 4 0 1 CD 0 s 3 ro a 01 0 1 0 0 1 lip aps CD ca N si S 0 i 1 w ei E i A me mere re child can operate it in deepest well ask some of our customers how they like them their experience will convince you consolidated IMPLEMENT co montpelier IDAHO mckinnon JOHNSON ag agents gents for randolph and woodruff |