Show TO curth A corn COLD cor n IN ONE DAY DAT take laxative brunie quinine tablets all kcf tho money it if ll it falls faili to lo curo cure sic mr airs Win winslows slows arrup fot atton aahl it PAID lalji hurc wind colic 16 cuate ft botao nearly all afi alie ill milk ilk ot of human kindness tastes ol of tho the can to curo caro constipation ro revor take candy cathartic too loc orao it 0 C 0 0 falls fails to curo cure drug druggists gits refund money to core in I 1 ac nuter take dr davis auti anti headache all ali druggists emoke sledge cigarettes 20 for 5 acts educate Y your 0 u r j Iov cl matli candy cathartic cure constipation forever it C C C ref und money H HE E n WM T 1 IT 1 FROM THE fill A C FAIR and kept it two years the great worlds fair tit at ChIc rigo it in very cry grateful grote grateful ful for what dr ayers ayera cherry cherra while it ga save e pleasure to many gave nac pectoral echop has hag done for us aud and shall L keep cep it pain to vot not a few BS as an indirect ri suit of constantly on liand band in the he house 11 mrs mra L th their e I 1 r N visit isit to the IV white h ite attye cuy P peoples cop ic IN e ere te W STEVENS fort fairfield me ble lured along the miles of 0 wonderful wonder lul exhibits by the ne new marvels marels that met the gaze at very every step rind and did not realize blaze acir two years year of doctoring for tl a couch t two lv 0 exhaustion butil they dropped into a years of 0 remedies that gave no li belp elp 0 of f chair lu in some bree breezy y corner by the lake prescriptions that profiL profiled cd only the men and cooled off wit what t began the who wrote them nud aud then licit ft a trial of dr trouble in many cases of 0 one oue such case ayers Ayer cherry sCherry pectoral Vcctor al which helped from mrs L W stevens fort fairfield me the very first dose and eff cc ltd a complete v riles cure in a short time lime the differ difference euce be ur dr akeis cherry pectoral Pc cloral arid and all my husband tool took a severe cold and other cough medicines could not be better b tier c ough cough two years ago last october time of stated slated than in this of results c t the lie worlds a rids I 1 air winch which N we eat tended attended this it has cured the hobt stubborn arid and obstinate cough lasted over two years was accompanied cases of chronic chrome bronchitis and asthma danied by spitting of blood arid and nothing it is a specific for croup and anvil coul could be found to help him although various cough it cures all coughs ond arid co colds 1 colnul is an and remedies were tried several goe doctors tors lill all affections of the threat arid and lungs were consulted but their prescriptions promptly and effectively in response to afforded no relief ria Flu ally I 1 saw an ad numerous dern demands ands dr ayers cherry pectoral verLi of dr ayers cherry pectoral is put up tip in half size bottles sold bold at lit in my paper and prevailed upon roy my husband half price so 50 cents more about cures to get a bottle and t try 1 it t the very effected by pectoral in drayers cure first dose helped him aua aud he was co completely in book sent free on request re by the J C cured in a short time we feel ayer co lowell lowall mass a ali HI we offer one hundred dollars reward for any case care ot of Cat catarini arili that cannot be cured bv halls catarrh cure 1 J A CO toledo 0 we tile undersigner undersigned under signed have known F J cliency ch ncy for the last 10 15 years and li elleve him perfectly le in all bu iness and him 11 chally able to carry out any obligations made n le by their firm wet wholesale hoe sale Drug git toted toledo 0 W ming kinnin marvin riale du toledo 0 I 1 halls Cala Cata irli cure cuie Is 14 internally acting directly upon tile the blood and mucous il s surfaces sur u r laces la or of iia the system ys t c n i T efimi m 0 co neals la 1 s R sent 0 n t feres tree e pr price c ic 7 ac i per e r bott bottle ic S sold ol 01 d by bv all druggis drugg ls biall lyalls 2 For family lilly rills are arc tile hie best dont tobacco spit anit ana smoke your life awny away to quit tola tobacco eco easily and forever vcr bo be magnetic ma full of life nerve and leor take lake noto no to linc the orlice that makes mcak men strong all arl cure cuaran ceeil booklet and sample free address sterling remedy co chicago Clil cao or now new york unquestionably best and cheapest starting point and out outwitting outfitting fitting station for alaska and klondike does not ask or advise you to go but you will find Featt Se attles los facilities stocks ond and experience unsurpassed and prices the very lowest washington state has Klondike its own seattle is tile the chief city strangers are protected by public comfort bureau address chain her of cora al erco Seattle wash o FOR 30 DAYS MORE YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS the arod U rl CANNOT FIND WORDS ENOUGH TO PRAISE YOUR WONDERFUL REMEDY if 5 DROPS 19 trade I 1 mark rk nheu rheumatic matle cure co chicago gentlemen 1 I thought that taftt I 1 would write you it a statement and if you are interested and wish to tell you how I 1 bae got along atrice I 1 bao bano used your 6 dr Ur I 1 inest say that I 1 inn n endri ly veil niell once yourself about the gold fields A more to your wondern ul rei remedy nedy it has bag moro good from tile bahl plo post unit und the 0 dollar bottlo lhnn the thirty dollars merlh of medicine I 1 bavil used ol of dunier nian rif rs I 1 tried of the yukon valley when to 1 all I edIctO I 1 saw but not gitany relict go fut ful suffering till I 1 rot got a sample bottlo bottle of 5 our 5 and taking tho rho same fur for A few anci and how to get there write for a u days I 1 began to hao hanc ices of those fillies racking through my illy body after afler I 1 got tho the most used alp ilp I 1 could begin to brebt forno every night after I 1 had used about half the collur all mv pains descriptive folder and map of V telano left tel me rno oh I 1 comfort it aal ben I 1 could sleep agna nt night any more I 1 bin am so eo thankful to you and your DROPS 5 that I 1 cann caann land word enough in eralso of alaska it will be sent free upon y remedy for or the cure of r and I 1 lean can badely recommend it to nil all suffering humanity and say bay that they cannot purchase an boy ietter than iban 5 1 for nil air their film thanking yuu you application to T A GRADY ex Q gentlemen tor for oil all your kindness I 1 remain boici To icer er lour friend R NI LIVE LIFE geld wis I 1 tab eb lu att cursione manager C B Q R R A SUFFERED THE TORTURES OF THE DAMNED DA PiNED dark clark street Pro provident swanson rheumatic curo cure co my dear sri sir after suffering tho the tortures of tb tho a chicago rt damned for a lous long time front from an an aa attack of rheumatism I 1 wl webb 11 to that your rheumatic cure 5 DROPS has lia cured mo me of nil my troubles which were nil all caused uy by one complaint complain t I 1 I 1 had 60 ys axa o io i o oa o a 3 heart e art trouble ri allen I 1 eg bladder and conigl put ion I 1 would not take and do A T without the remedies eca if it only cured the catarrh for bornio lie which it ithac has done therefore eforo 1 I va ill angly take tho the agency or lor the inae of sour our for they area ary a boon to mankind gratefully yours youra J W DENNIS IM normal av Bul taloK Y feb 8 IBM 0 B curca sciatica vever k I 1 N eural glo 11 ca duchem elk facht toot habbe if curt li e t kneib cronk ile illig aa l mu eularia laria crt numbness to luner cr to tilte 16 a DROPS at al deail a trial we wa will tend gond a 1001 20 D 08 8 FOR calo run THIRTY DAYS LONGER 1 damplo iet bottle le ald by it mall all for 23 25 cents cent A amela bottle will convince you also AIM largo large bottles so doto doses 01 orl 3 bottles for 1017 M not old bold by druK drug guita gUts only by its in anil and our salars ads are to agenten agents in now cow territory M rite us ua today to day E T ersye pi atit 14 swanson CURE CO iga ago dearborn st IL ILI by autho zer a corn J buh amrie d t Ri adu wa r win IN bush baiar a tit N if cus you amt h u idill L lh 1 9 a I 1 3 jo DOLLARS FOIT f nog pa ra jowh 11 ra but bavo sold direct to the con sumer fur 25 years at abol M ho w L male prices saving him th chero or examination r apt f but luc T 0 0 pill P ill Y aarn aud t vt t fad fa d tu itt st 00 A libl 55 at alls of lerao 15 B to p I 1 I 1 X I 1 a s please caraig V sar roys to ell arna rr V vms kf abiad alone get aha was rape N kaa V adv aboc now at ottes sang rod and mul milk U ft CL ty are pl ito laoo 1000 oo 00 lagona ad fr for itro fm no ko wa surrey prim with curtains ourt ains 1 ps TOH A aiwood L ain of our obade bade barou mu bod d tw 0 As al g dueall u eells fort 90 advertisements kindly answering ELKHART AND immoss arg CO W IL PRATT beely bce IND pl enting this riper 1 ciper akl something new under the sun A pure strong baking powder at a price to suit 5 IT r tr T rt T the times and to make ake nice light cakes and biscuits the cook should use test it consumers note the prices every can guaranteed ss s C 59 s t ill 5 OZ CANS 10 ill 5 OZ CANS 10 8 OZ CANS 15 I 1 I 1 8 OZ CANS 15 R 16 OZ CANS 25 16 OZ CANS 25 ilk pure and strong atron why not full net weight live give it a trial N every can guaranteed equal in strength to the very best belt made or money refunded for sale safe nt at your grocers bad and manufactured by bv tha Us S BAKING POWDER co OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS we ve are assort assertion lort in the courts our right to tho the vw use of the noid and PITCHERS CASTORIA as ai our trade hark I 1 dr samuel pitcher ol of ants massachusetts chu was the originator of PITCHERS castonia the same saino that has borne and does now boar bear tho the facsimile fac tac simile slena ign iuro aturo or of 11 II FLETCHER on every rapper this ll is tho the original inS CASTORIA 11 has hag been used la in tile homes ot of the iho mothers ol of america for over thirty years Look I boli carefully atthe at alio llio wrapper and thatis that ll 11 Is alio hind you hive have always bought and has tho the signature of 11 FLETCHER on the iho wrapper no ono one Es has authority I 1 aiom i orn me to torso uw my namo except tho the centaur company Compi iny of which chas IL fletcher Is president B SAMUEL PITCHER M D Iler headache dache quickly cured cared dr davis bavis anti never falls no nc to llac alac for afif ty cents guaranteed t bacco habit babit cure makes weak men i trong blood pure WI alc il all druggists star tobacco Is the leading brand ot of the world because it is tile the best A perfect type of the highest corrar cir excellence in manufacture qi a breakfast Break fas t EO A C 0 it 11 4 absolutely pure I 1 delicious P f L nutritious costs less tan ONE CENT a cup EC do sure that you get the genuine article made at dorchester MASS by WALTER BAKER CO ltd established 17 ajo f THE RECORDS SHOW CURES OF 1 7 h ss e va g s mo effs Q 7 EVS 4 n 0 al f 2 alki BY THE USE OF ST JACOBS OIL OF CHRONIC CRIPPLES AND OF BEDRIDDEN BED RIDDEN inflammatory CASES THERES THERE 3 NO DENYING IT CURES I 1 every package of Sch schillings illino s best tea is a sample your money back if you don t like it wa THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS s BE WISE AND USE I 1 AN I 1 ulm HU THE BOWELS 0 r sil y ry did millions of microbes mic robes a bacteria es invisible to the pj naked eye breed and feed feea in the bowels causing all units kinds of intestinal troubles biff L 5 addle the best coa S L I 1 C py rac Z V is 14 keeps ps both bolh dijer and saddle sid llo pera aw fech cutly y d dry in the ile hardest bardl st storms n 4 U uy es will ask for r 4 SIC i brand pommel slicker alicke r 0 AIR F D V it is entirely clydew new knot for sale in your town n write lor for catalogue to A J io TOWER I 1 boton boiton mass alas s CANNED ore are the only antiseptic laxative I thiet hill microbes mic robes ond and prevent their propagation 1 pa Cas corets carets therefore prevent 1 I as well as mwry fie 11 jor or poopoo that are RH H n oure dust no hen sick ick or just Dont t Kijl L H it feel well ethelie A booklet dd sample free for the askley ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE or you can buy a bos bol lor loc soc ot at YOW your Remove ii pimples cures headache dyspepsia and drugstore drug elore u 78 Costi vences 2 25 ets a box at or by bt niu mail sterling remedy co chicago Chi caso 5 Jain free add retis or dr bosanko co ia I 1 to cu rolo IO TO BAO dacca lilun by oil all dnn hild R MOVER CURE 1 I ol 01 gratis and clove cr ina orica nt lint I 1 bt aures use big 0 for uuna turid all follme in april fire it A L discharges infill none une rowing crop ingulv in jelv pi lioa dirt cheap ap yam 0 wd or til JODI tooth moth arol anti 11 kt licit irom and ia G 1 9 of 0 mucous membrane net ii f roe ree tor for 1110 anti and this gotico Catalo irle bili pr u Ia lilles and nut fl ria A SAMIL bill to LI aie wl wh wm CHENI CALCO cent or of cincinnati 1 sold by Dragg lats 0 or sent la in rial hy by ezart A Pre prepaid paid for of garden flower 1 l cc 00 or 3 bottles Lot lott ties les circular gont dont on an roques rogues KEDS with a worldwide world wide reputation catalog I 1 free roe to all 11 JAMES J H ason SOH Marblehead d Mass ass L A ils 1 beat eat cough syrup tames good roe 1 CLAIMANTS rok FOR PENSION 1 la salil silil write to KATH AN rolt 11 ll F cokl OKU D C they I 1 I 1 will quick replies D ath N NI ll 11 IVola vola i staff gOth Corpt prosecuting claims Clai vils since Is 7 a W N U salt lake no 12 1898 n apsy D NEW DISCOVERY irh fl kindly ily S ir quick raef and cures worst khan answering bacsi se 0 sud nil 10 days liay this rape treatment a arc |