Show lake town locals warm warin days rather cold nights blackbirds singing on the leafless leable ss trees meadow larks calling to their mates and the bluebirds fluttering under the eaves of the house bouse unite in telling us that spring is near our people great and small have as a general thing suffered with colds but none seriously all so far as we know are on the mend take it altogether we have enjoyed a very verv good healthy sociable winter in purchasing a new chapel organ our sunday school dramatic club have done a good work and are not weary cary 0 of f well doing havin having met with such good success in presenting foiled they will now place on the boards josh winchester or between love and duty we have a beautiful organ and expect to have the money to pay for it when due A musical instrument of this kind is not only oaly needed in su sunday day school but at all entertainments and gatherings gathering sin in the ward nard success generally er ally attends those who start out to win as d did id our energetic go ahead S S pe PC pie we are very proud of them friday evening march 18 the relief society will give their annual ball there will le ie quilts to draw tor for and ice cream and cake our ladies are trying to raise means to build a house tor for their own use in storing grain and holding their meetings in with such a bus ness woman as mrs louisa hodges at the head they are not likey likely to fall fail we eagerly look for the ROUNDUP ROUND UP ur and would greatly miss it should it not make its appearance on time UNO lake town utah march 16 1898 |