Show REVOLTING CRIME and murder charged against an I 1 arkansan little rock ark march 14 A mob of enraged citizens ol of cleburne county are lot hot in pursuit of william messor messer a white mau man whose home is near quitman in that county count and a lynching lunching lyn ching is considered inevitable if lie he is capan captured red A lasser was charged by his daughter with a revolting crime A month ago the dau gh ter mysteriously disappeared and messer is now accused of having murdered her judge middleton issued a warrant for sers arrest and a posse of officers went to serve the writ but lie he escaped from them the posse was at once reinforced by a 0 large number of citizens and they are secir searching ching every cliff clife and ravine determined in ined upon lynching lunching lyn ching messer should he be captured alive |