Show threshers Thre busy attend conference miss mary mckinnon McK lunon Is quite ill A pleasant sound the hum of 0 the thresher sheriff marshall went to laketown Lake town on business tuesday A mckinnon McKi nuon jr Is recovering from his recent illness though slowly E everybody very body busy an idle man or woman an is hard to find at present mr C 0 collett of meadowville Meadow ville passed through town on thursday robert marshall has gone to salt lakato lake to attend the university of utah the free concert at woodruff tomorrow evening will be a treat all attend spencer broy bros dispatched a load of butter eggs and grain to evanston yesterday the raise in the price of silver is hailed with delight by the west keep on raising mr D S cook of garden city passed through randolph to evanston yesterday the deputy sheriffs who fired upon de fenceless people at hazleton pa have been arrested editor jas II HW Wallis allis of the post reached randolph yesterday no he goes with the stake presidency to woodruff the stake presidency will visit this end of the stake thursday friday saturday sunday and monday hear them mr L lawrence who recently purchased eighty acres of land across the river lias has returned to hs his home at altona NOTICE A tree free concert will be given in ia woodruff by tile the visiting brethren and sisters on saturday night next all aie invited why remain sick or in pain when you can be cured by using pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah we learn that a marriage license has been obtained by mr J R jones and miss jane simpson and that the in marriage arriage will take place tomorrow the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago sketches has been compiled and republished in handsome book form with illuminated cover by mail at tribune office two women omen i claiming one husband has become so frequent that it no longer excites comment but two men claiming cl aimin g to be husbands of one woman have put in claims for a womans comans estate in brooklyn the deseret news N weekly or semi and trie ROUNDUP ROUND UP per yeal the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake tribune and trie THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ago per year the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake herald and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP per y year earthe latest slot device is a bicycle on which you ride five miles for five cents you cant cheat the machine when the five miles are up you must drop another nickel in ili the slot for if you dont the bike bucks like a broncho and throws you over tile the fence and climbs on top of you ex brother S S humphreys writing from his field of labor says 1 I liepe now paris is incorporated that honest ton men will be permitted to attend to their business and not be in ili danger of being pounded to death 11 some of the other in missionaries express themselves even more forcibly than that paris post if men are the salt of the earth women are undoubtedly the sugar thereof salt is a necessity sugar a luxury vicious men are saltpeter stern man are arc rock salt nice men are arc table salt old maids are brown sugar good natured matrons matrona loaf sugar and pretty girls the fine pulverized sugar piss pass tile the pulverized sugar please news register my aly boy came home f from rom school one day with ills his hand badly lacerated and bleeding and suffering dufferin suf ferin great pain says mr E J shall with meyer bros drug co st louis mo 1 I dressed the wound and applied app chamberlains pain balm freely all pain ceased and in a remarkably short time it healed without leavinia lea vinga a sear scar for wounds sprains swellings and rheumatism I 1 know of no medicine or prescription equal to it I 1 consider it a household necessity the 23 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all medicine dealers I 1 |