Show HERE AND THERE mr jas A cameron Came roo of riverside k V ida is visiting relatives here the general public would rejoice it if j president mckinley McKin lcy or anybody else would settle the cuban question once for all it is the easiest tiling in the world W for those remote from regions likely to be visited by yellow fever to advise others to keep cool and not get frightened editor snow of the brigham bugler who was tried for drawing a revolver on dr taylor at brigham city has been acquitted the iury fury found that he drew the gun in self defence and judge hart discharged him bim jamesly james Jame sll II 11 wallis received word yes berday from blackfoot black loot that he had been appointed united states commissioner for the district of idaho idabo aby by judge beatty at the session of the US U S district court held there this week paris post edmond McL atchle arid and family of f star valley wyoming are in salina this week visiting their relatives the humphries sir mr I 1 Mc Latchic is a porous farmer of star valley but for merly was a resident of kanosh in j millard county salina press the crawford land company of evanston ayo wyo has sent to Secret secretary arv bof of state hammond ammond II a certified copy of 11 tits its articles of incorporation the company tag has a capital ot of and its trustees are william thompson mary P north and charles stone F lour sugar tea coffee and cloth ing are steadily advancing in price Js Is the poor man who has to buy benefited wages are lower than a i year ago and labor is not in demand 1 the manbo man who can get per day ifor his services considers himself in great luck hick salina press i no one can doubt the versatility of air bryan either in talk or action ahe ile catches al pickpocket in the act 1 and turns him oyer over to the police with f i the same sang frold froid we are arc not alto agether gether sure about that expression but it goes that lie he rescues rescue the aou wounded n J I 1 from a railroad wreck t A man who is so narrow as tu to imag r airie I 1 he can crush the spirit of a poor t old poverty stricken editor by older ing his paper stopped is to be pitied 1 such a creature ought to be watched beven even in the sanctuary ile he is liable 14 atao to drop a button in the contribution r box while the lords back is turned paris post A syndicate ot of american million gabres alres will ou oil october I 1 take charge charee of the customs collections in honduras sunder under an to pay the national debt of that country build rail roads conduct banks and establish steamship lines now kow look out for a flood of literature to entice americans t who are not dot millionaires to honduras agent frank has succeed ed in getting his three visitors who i were mentioned in last weeks issue of the press pres to locate on oil land bulong belong ing to the wyoming utah land company they have each cadi bought acres of the crawford land 4 down bear river they have alto alt o 1 written their friends concerning the country and confidently expect a large number of them to emigrate evans oil people ought to appreciate the 1 I 1 work that is being done in this direction wyoming press |