Show tetter sak and eczema the intense itching and smarting inci dent denato to these cheso diseases is ia instantly allayed bo by applying chamberlains eye ye and nin skin ointment many very bad cases f have been permanently cured by it it sa is equally efficient tor for itching piles and 1 l a favorite remedy for sore nipples ft chapped clapped hands handa chilblains chilblain so frost bites S and chronic sore eyes 23 casper box 1 A dr cacya condition are y just what a horse needs needa when in bad B condition tonic blood purifier arid and S v erm fuge they are no not t food but medicine 0 and the ahe best in use to put a ff horse in prime condition price 25 j cents per package ff tor sale by all medicine dealers caveats and emde obtained and all 11 patent 1 business conducted for or fres 4 OUR OFFICE is U s and we can secure hf palencia less timo time thou those an remote fr rom W send model drawing or photo boto with description W va advise if patell ble or not DOE frea ol of cl charge ge our fee not due till it patent t is u secured ic cured how to 0 obtain patents with i cot coit A 0 cf tamo me in the U S a and nd foreign count counties nes bent sent irce free addred CA 1 OPP washington 0 C le conference the sixty eighth semiannual semi annual conference of the chuich of jesus christ of latter day saints will convene in the tabernacle salt lake city at 10 on monday morning october 4 1897 the off officers leers and members of the church generally a are re cordially invited to attend the meetings of the conference c nee WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CA CANNON ON josepn r SIl Tri first presidency NOTICE FOR publication no consolidated land office at salt lake city utah september 13 1807 notice is hereby given that the following named settlor settler has sled filed notice of his intention to malo male final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the county clerk ol of rich kich co utah at randolph utah on october 23 3 VU viz PETER ADAMSON 11 E no KB tor for the W I 1 ii s N E 14 and E S m N W ai U sec 33 tp 10 N R 7 E lie iio names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz john dean charles dean joseph dean anti and william II 11 longhurst hurst all c of f woodruff rich co utah mao also notice is hereby given that t the he f follow ollo W ing named settlor settler has fled notice of 0 his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo be made before the county clerk of rich co utah at randolph utah on october viz CHARLES HIGGINS niG BINS H E r no 40 for the S W ya V S W 14 see sec 21 and W IS N W U and S E 9 N W y X see sec 28 tp io 10 N R I 1 E lio ho names the following witnesses to provo prove his bia continuous residence upon and cultivation 0 of f said land viz hyrum J norris of randolph utah barney fox of woodruff utah jos joa A quibell of woodruff utah and reuben norris of randolph utah ereon asoo register first publication september Sop 17 1807 ui fill V 0 WE CAN sell you a CLOAK as cheap as can be bought in chicago or new york dont send money out of the county when you can buy as cheap at home call and examine ine our styles and get our priced el N K 1 N 0 1113 N 1 DIU 0 S WHAT U F I 1 T a suppose that congress should have passed a bill and the bill should have happened to be a ten dollar bill arid and there any gold reserve what of it suppose that all the gold should be drawn out of the treasury arid and hid away in old socks all over the country waiting for a premium on gold and ohp th gold should wear out the heels beels in all the socks bocles would the men who owned the socks be as NN well ell heeled as they were before they socked all the gold away suppose that gold should go to a premium of if 50 cents on the dollar and you owed a chinaman man a dollar for washing 2 and you have any sort of a dollar do 3 1 on oil suppose get your tour wa wahlice slice not macheel 1 du we know know anything about politics not kot much just enough to let em alone we DO know about one thing though and C L 0 T mum IRE G begin with the fact that we ve keep only the BEST CLOTHING then consider your needs and we will guarantee the prices our line is complete and up to date in every particular we fit stout men slim men average men inen big men little men long arm arin men short arm men all men PROOF an inspection of our stock WE BUY PRODUCE R el 1 CEK e W 04 1 trel L A au I 1 D H for gr km elgg 7 ad M hr bur liu Is uie I 1 DOW a r aws ma lt 0 W le r SJ R ak eft S 1 anaid Br Inders 0 spring Wa wagons gors buggies and bain old hickory wagons in fact everything 7 needed on a farm or ranch terms and prices ra right 9 lit grain taken in exchange e GIVE US A CALL gamston ston Implement go Oom gumly A n winchester liples rn rn 1575 cash all sizes and models the largest largent line of Sport sporting iii goods gooda in town it t eastern prices BEEMAN M mall pa cashin MER CO evanston wyoming Wyo Illing |