Show PEOPLE mayor 11 harrlson arrison ot of chicago recently made a record ot of eighty two fish and sixty seven woodcock in a days sport near S tation station mich since bret harte who has dropped his first name francis was united states consul to glasgow from 1880 to 1885 he has made ills his residence in great britain Prita ln at pi present besent ho he lives at 71 lancaster gate west london lian ilin garlands first published poem netted hira him 25 ile he paid 3 for grants memoirs and 20 for a silk dress piece which lie he gave to his mol a er the dress made from it was the first ot of that material she had owned and worn the following are said to be the six wealthiest women in tile the world senora isidora cousino cletty green baroness burdett coutts coutta 0 mine alme barrios 15 miss aliss mary garrett mrs mrs oliver 11 II P belmont is sald said to value her ber famous marble house at newport at she recently refused an otter offer from potter palmer tor for it approximating that sum it Is assessed at cornelius vander bilts the D deakers 13 assessed at al matsumoto is the publisher of 0 tile tho only japanese newspaper in new york ile he came to this country only a to cw months ago to engage la in this enterprise and finding japanese type too loo costly writes the eight page paper with I 1 a pencil anil and makes cople copies the number circulated on oil a mimeograph |