Show 1 I girnt crl mo moling Sei sea Mard iiara portland ore sept 10 16 the wheat crop croll is ib moving bea mcaward warI at a rate ralo that is breaking all previous records in ILI the past five fire days cargoes totaling bushels value about have cleared front froin port portland laud and aru are now on oil their way to england A cargo of hour flour clearing today lody for tile 0 orl rf cul clit inel included ulel barrels valued at bringing the value of and wheat prod ilet to over halt half a million dollari dollar reports leports that aliat have b been cell coming it in fron from the grain dietrict ditri di ct north or of snake river this week have been beell of a i very discouraging nature and is flared eliat all prospects of a record breaking crop in ili that district have hinslea 1 ot of tile dain damage IT by rain bein being slight light in many places it hns ruined front from one third to une lia half if tile the crop matly burgo of splendid xv wheat beat have been a total loss |