Show SILVER CAMP MEETING A i cers of note koto for tit springfield 0 sept IG alic thc national silver c imp meeting arranged to continue here a week lic lican giesin an with ii somewhat smaller assemblage c than was expected A number of sp speakers balcers of note are arc en amed A great ten tent thus lins bern been erected in the ole fair grounds for speaking which will seat scat 1000 and give for the intense heat beat affected kllc ance in the afternoon chairman Cli airman A IV V thurman Thu delivered the opening speech and was followed by lion Cli arles I 1 D editor of the outlook of new york lion iton clarke rid etli alth it li editor of the arena oston boston i ong IV 1 I Be learmond Armond of j II 11 assou issou rl last ni night lit general J A warner president of tile tho american bimetallic came cage was the prill principal Cipal speaker in the great tent ex commissioner of patents of indianapolis also spoke mr ill 11 kiryan tryan telegraphed that lie would lie here monday |