Show JACKSON POPULATED depopulated DE sorl ft lit li ve or lit if coining jackson jack son miss sept 10 the stole state capital is populated de its business houses closed its newspapers suspended and even cases ot of yellow lever fever officially announced at its very doors door with m many illy suspected acted cases at various points there is till an embargo on the railroads of 0 tile state lind there are grave rave apprehensions apprehension that tile the dread disease lias has obtained a foothold in till nu parts paris ot of tile state i illarin exists everywhere every where sit kuch ell are arc the conditions existing in i the middle western find northern part of oe tile the stute the worst feni fenis s of tile the medical fraternity and public have been realized realised reali sed and the ili prevailing ev alling disease nt fit edwards lias bas been yellow fever tin till state board of ile h lias laid a gendral embargo clil bargo on in travel except out of the state by means of ft an order promulgated mul gated his afternoon and to all lines of transportation ti avel front from infected places is absolutely ba barred tho the bright side of the situation Is tit that it the fever is of a very mild type the exodus from this city which began in ili a very small way ser eral days ago lias has attained unprecedented proportions the state slate board advises ad vices all who can to linc and tile the railroads say they can handle the largest crowds |