Show lake town locals bro victor Satter thwaite is progressing nicely aloud is heard the lium hum of the threshing machine we ve hane e had bad a bount bounteous ous harvest for which we should be truly thankful the health of the people is good with few exceptions and has been all summer bro jos cheney has been all ailing ing tor for nearly a year we learn he is very low at present farmers will soon know what their summers work has amounted to as far as grain is concerned bro jos robi Eo binson has gone to st charles to run the burr grist mill there we understand he be will stay all winter we anticipate an enjoyable time tomorrow preachers and are promised us from the north pres budge and company the president of the Y M 31 1 I A bro jos robinson Ko binson has just sent to bro hull 20 for subscription to the era the 11 1 I A organ and expects to send as much more very soon we think this speaks well for our Y 11 lake town utah sept |