Show RACING a 8 offers it a conlest nn as city the latest novelty in races la Is a house building race the only one so far run seems to have como come out a dead heat recently a real estate company auctioned olt off it a number of lots in western avenue westfield mass and with ithe tha idea of booming the neighborhood offered prizes five hun hundred diLLI dollars to the tha first to the second was offered to the builders of new houses oso ono of the lot purchasers a contractor name dRivers began at once to build the was nas n as rot hurried at first ca as there was apparently no competitor one appeared however tour four days utter f v work ork 11 had commenced A mrs leo lee was avis the owner and night and day raen men on oil her building rivers responded with double gangs of 0 men and tor for several days the race went on oil without a pause until both houses yere vere finished almost exactly together the rivers house which was built in nine days lias has nine rooms averaging 11 feet square is trimmed with hard wood v is wiled for electric bells has a furnace and running water and is completely painted outside as well as papered and decorated ins dp de the lee ice house is not so complete lacking a furnace and gas fixtures but it was completed in five days thus breaking all records so far as known knowd doth both sides claim the 00 prize about twenty men were employed on each building and every device known to up to date carpentry was employed both houses are attractive in I 1 n a p pe ira ance alice and show no sign of te in construction during the race the houses were visited by hundreds of people who cheered on the workmen in the novel contest |