Show round valley ripples very fine weather warm dayland days and cool ni nights lits the crops are of the best this year grain is all hauled and thresh threshing ing will commence this week mr J bailey ot of huntsville is buying iliff cattle for L hauser ot of that place mr buley bailey is the gu guest est of tiro bro jr aco 0 price A good representation of our sard nard w was Is gien ghen at the quarterly conference at paris and also at the Y L INT I 1 A conference held in randolph on wednesday last news reached this place on friday ot of the death of bro wm vm earley of preston Pres too ida who hall had been sick some time N w ith what was thought be inflammation of the bowels passed away on friday morning at the earley bros have gone gon e over to attend the funeral services which will probably be held sunday bro geo earley will not present as he is on a mission to california SUNFLOWER round bound valley sept 19 1897 |