Show UTAH NEWS A post postoffice iee office lias has been established nt at la salle san juan county and fred N commissioned coin postmaster wheat at atit mt pleas pleasant aut was quoted tit at cents per bushel last week and farmers in that vicinity are dis disposing of their supplies this years yield is about an all average so there will be a good income from tins this so source ree there will ile be some holding backlin back until til spring rev alex hartman an and d wife an and d two children who were killed in tile recent wreck at newcastle colo were en route for payson to fill tile presbyterian mission lately anade vacant by rev 11 W M smith the local member of the state press club W L webb of lelli lelii has extended an invitation to all members ot of the association to visit lehi during till the fair which i has been accepted by president james in behalf of tile the club fourteen thousand sheep of the estate of the late 11 II J christensen Christen cn of I 1 ANI manti anti were sold hold to the highest bidder one day last week it II A kearns of gunnison bought at patten und and anderson at Sl 1051 david shand for a mr keiser at and to theodore christensen for 15 per head bead lillie the three year old daughter of mr and mrs fox salt lake city was badly burned about the throat and breast but tier her injuries aa though although pain full fal will not prove fatal the little child was carrying it a lighted japanese lantern and while on her to make a sunday visit to a neighbor she thoughtlessly pressed it to her breast when the flames from tho the burning lantern cau caught ht her drabs with the above result editor snow of city has been acquitted snows witnesses testified that the doctor struck him before lie he drew the pistol and that tile the doctor had made threats a against ainest him andas and as the doctor wasa was a larger man lie was afraid of great bodily injury and diew the pistol in self defense the judge gave lengthy instructions covering every point raised which was a great assistance to the jury in helping them to arrive at a verdict between twenty five and fiat fifty y p people eople jumped from what they believed to bo be a couple of runaway cars on the sal salt t lake city railway s line near the salt lake brewery sunday afternoon and not a few were painfully bruised others escaped with severe jolts but all were badly fri frightened likened lit ened the motorman was enabled to met get control of the cars and they vi ere brought 0 to a full stop just around the curve apostle P F M Lym lyman artand and johanthan G Kimbal lof the first seven presidents of the seventies attended the conference of the Y 11 alf I 1 A and the st george stake holding three ings besides visiting many of the surrounding settlements last week the main object of their visit was N as to acquaint the people with the fact that that the authorities of the church had concluded to publish a ma magazine azine the title to bethe be the Improve improvement men t E era ra I 1 in it tit the c interest nt erest of the mutual improvement work governor wells has appointed 1 a I number of supervisors to manage the expenditure pend iture of 0 state funds appropriated to build roads alfred 11 was appointed to supervise the eapen cudire of in rich county anil and C J cotey corey cot ey ol of ogden will do likewise with the for weber county roads the balance of S 50 to be applied on cache county roads at the ilie junction of the other two roads will lie be expended under the direction of a supervisor to he be named later john F P bron of kanab is named valued to supervise the disbursement bur bu rement of ou on a road between kane and garfield counties while george NV carroll carrol I 1 will supervise the expenditure of the sloko for the construction st and improvement ot or a hill highway to in wayno wayne county the rent remains ains of henry bachus arrived in park ParIc city sunday list last and from ill all appearances backus was murdered there are only three places ou on the body to show what killed hilled tile the man there I 1 is a bad boulse on oil tile the forehead one behind the ear car and another iino lher over tile right hirist all indications show that lie he hall had been lilt hit ith a coupling pin backus left unite butte mont after loading cuttle cattle and was guiu guin with them zo to terrace utah lie he WIs was not brimming ili hi passage go tile tho body was found ton ten miles fron from whitte mountain lie Ife lived thirty four hours but dill did not gain consciousness the home jonm of thomas hawkins Hawl tius a farmer who lives near G greenwood ceeil ool was wai destroyed by fire on the isah still and in his 5 year old daughter perished in tile flames the origin of the fire is unknown turner of logan is on oil tile trail of eight bea 1 of cattle lull and a ito C all stolen stole and supposed to be in the unlawful possession of a man who has served a term in state prison for cattle stealing it was found that three head bead of catt cattle 1 e had been sold at coliton |