Show TIMES ARE GOOD the deseret news of mondays date takes a look at the bright side of things and gives the following glowing account of tile the improved state of business in it utah no one pretends that this city is having a building boom but etisa it is a fact that a very large number of structures are being erected and tb that at laborers and mechanics in ili the building line are havinga having a good deal of employment furnished them at satisfactory wages the statement has been made by a city official off leial I 1 and given to the public that there are arc more buildings n now ow in course of erection than there were in the pal days of the boom during D url n tho the boom many large hasness business blocks were built involving the expenditure of large sums of money whereas the buildings now being put up are mostly residences the statement therefore that the number of structures being erected exceeds that under way at any time during the boom is probably true though they are not costing as much money but abet the truth just as it is is very cheering another thing desirable vac vacant ant dwellings in this city are becoming quite scarce and this condition has led investors to build to rent and the number of nice modern cottages being in built for this purpose is surprising this means a healthier tone in it the real estate market because it shousan shows an increase of population it also shows that many families who ba hae c been living in part of a house are now able to rent a whole one a practical demon t bitic it that times are improving then there is the nice in silver today it is quoted at ML this is a iise of about 8 cents in it about two weeks and it if we can call have the game continued at the same aratea rate a couple of weeks longer the bl big sil sihar er producers that shut down w when liell tile the slump came will be talking about putting their men to work again lead N we e do not need to mention at per hundred it speaks for itself last lilt but by no DO means least there is the highly satisfactory condition of the wheat market maket eighty cents a bushel which bieh is about what it is worth in this city now means the ds trib ution of a vast aggregate of money amon army of people high bligh wheat means mean immediate benefit benefi ttO to a larger number of people than high bi balver I 1 ver does on oil top of it nil all coic come these superb autumn lays days with their glorious dawns dans and sun sunsets ets that avi will 11 ll swell the enthusiasm and gladden the heart of any ally but the most hopeless of pessimists and hypochondriacs hypochondria cs truly iball is nil right |