Show on fur fir lipsit lip Mit near ho h 0 J H erickson mid and I 1 J brewart spent several days near koo sharem last week in company with kith 11 r for rester r rn en n eastern geologist and mr gibbs gibbe a salt lake surveyor surveying the miti nii eral paint deposit there by manwell A Nis of Koo Koog sharen barem which isi is a preliminary in negotiations for the sal of 0 the property to eastern parties the property has been worlie worked in a s limited way in the past several 3 veral ton of the composition have beeri been shipped and pronouns d to ois ge of irs claib quality the proposition has ben developed and uncovered to better batter advantage nw and li it is 19 believed th the e deal will be made a go the deposit is quite extensive and very tery valuable in the composition of the dark brown paint which railroad companies use |