Show lj 13 hereby given giren to tile ilie stock holders of oe the buchheld Bich held ITO inclement company that on log to LL a failure to hold the annual meeting meeting of ers as provided bj tte articles of incorporation corporation corpor atlon ap special a ecial meeting of the stockholders will ill be held at the office of theo coar coa irany any in on the loo IOE llott t a m of said day the buides buiu es s to lie be transacted will te be the el election eLtion of oe officers of the camran compa for the ensuing yeartie ye year arthe the rende reude nug of 0 a fina financil ucil report ald such other bb sines rs w hall orly sorly come before rho rhe bockhold er WILLIAM 11 Prein Irei leat ident Rich rachil Held eld implement co july r liw |