Show va yr 3 JOSEPH J t A I 1 9 tl SM aaa aarm Xa rM E N N ali was iii town this M pal i Ibe curt curf lins ims promptly pru aply a stary ery it 14 alii in k since le lel I 1 los hasi has baj thal jl I 1 it it ae leeis am the boy ind and irl follow aci acm and L 1 ie a a g bod tat I 1 th the croo cron of oc tay hay is ii ni ll 11 iu in the a tack atack J fc eal ball elme lown iowa art frt arna lim L im berly bealy bundy bund y WH 17 H well wel i from ila B D NN il r itne for far a law few day JL 1 ik alae g 0 crowd of oe joseph at tena tented d tle the circus ta ia richfield mrs L J gilbort is building ji a rick house boasa has ha it up lip to the tha butra L aud and roa vo hrs has to nut lumber joseph aud cove COTS people blow sd td themselves them selver to the tha tune lune of for loggies aroa fro i the traveling cuttit which hu hua jut ut bean beail here have you eri ei e th ala aest na hou case will roberts berts has in his tort tore I 1 that maa will come yat he ha has the case casa filled with good caudy too aint james jamea peterena Peter eoa oia showing lad setting thu L olt oil ettler au an e we hofe bore some of our oar people lilies on main street wll the ety efcy the barney ro rot arned tuned from ur liv sunday well and happy with a sugar bowl full of money dan barney T bayed the tha fiddle bad jo joshua johua hua the banjo aad cd the girls girla dried there they have been shedding for sn si weeks there v for a brooklyn youth to shed tears now noa |