Show WO TOO MUCH WATER the reaper belides tha ampre more damage Is often done to crops crop from from too mud lyter tt tn n lal lach of nature plant life in withstanding an insufficient supply of ater to a certain extent but in this arid and climate sl e his has not made provision for ane appropriation of more vater than i neCeSS necessary aTy we believe that to loo much ater is dieto to a greater or less extent the so called blight of the lacern there na nai V i been an unusual amount of moisture during the past winter an I 1 spring zb as mich or more anan the alc root of the plant ha hae e required in addition to this man many have watered the r fields e aery cry time they had a water nater turn urn the tbt result las has been a drowning oat of the plants A resident of venice info ms the reaper that on his land which was not irrigated from last aug august gust uri ur til mayi lay of this 3 ear he hs a better stand than he did last year he e says his a similar experience A party barty from salina recently stated to us that on high spots in the fields there where water could not be had the lucern is all i right the stunted Z growth is confined to the watered fields another illustration which we cite is tile the fact that along the benches where the lands drains out readily and dries rapidly the crop is ib nearly up to the a anat hat little deficiency fici ency there v is being due to cold vi weather cat er people ha have c to leam eat n to use water water ener eer time bott ou get a chance may be ill in di daiy diy cion abut ne e lite aloo f that it v ill not jo do foi i w et and cold seimons sei sons the deseret I 1 kinei 11 ins 1 in article on oil thin lilt subject ubert NN aich cm pio perl be introduced licie it is as fol follows lovs lit list NN week eek tile the I 1 etli of this it it cle N i i N visiting bitin a f firm irm and noted the stunted yellow ellov ap penance ance of a field of ping licit 1 I dont kilo know w m 11 tint t cheat heat should look so sickle I 1 ine iiii gated it bluee times alreid alread tins thib spring slid tile the fai anmei me I 1 and right v is the solution ol ution of his plo pio problem blem 1 1 lie delicate wheat heat IILA armeli ar mth ind and uni un I me ine and air if it is to lo ahrie but thi this thoughtless farmer arm lias has kept cowing on oil I 1 he cold water vater until the N cheat heat has gien up the struggle for e existence and d succumbed to the ignorance and avarice of the owner ile he had an all abundance of water and he thought that he had better use it while there was plent the field mas as aheady saturated b thi the frequent and Z generou generous sturms and a adding d more tended to keep tile the soil oil cold ind tile the flints stunted tun ted what hat the N s heat field iball icalla did need vaas a a good nir to amil the crust ind the e en 1 I 1 trance of ill an ind and sunshine wi with t li such balch the pants would haa have e become health healthy ind cigoi ous the soil mould hie retired its moisture and tle there eId w lne hi e been in much better condition all aronni farmers must lenn tile the acs ics leson on sooner oi 01 later that water in pi alit crowth is no mort mon important thin is air and if the soil is ib satui saturated atad ith gatei itei tt ei e is no room for an all and if there is such an excess of ahei gatei atei that ib con coil stint e ip oration going on the soil will vill be kept L pt cold and growth will be retarded irrigate less cuatt cultivate ate more should ile be the motto of e every cry brogi progressive esst e utah farmer |