Show SALINA HAS A k SERIOUS FIRE i font business buildings are destroyed conflagration wd onty only after herdie struggle looi loci over little littie ra casoline soline lau la u cat caia fire which etarl started in thi ball building ding cited se as a pot oSice bt at saline salina warning morning about 7 30 ocl ool completely destroyed three bl bi ilione with ith all their contests contents and par part Lally ally destroyed another ii in the ba baseness siness blob L on the north side of cf main street and only by the most moat desperate effort wes A a R the eu en tire block sa baked ved from t the he aap gea of the fere pend fiend atthe fie fi e ong matea from rom the mon aion of a gasoline lamp alad PO 0 quickly enveloped the building in flames that it WEB was impossible to any thing thine toward subduing them the was soon loon engulfed with the tha flames and they rapidly spread to the crane building on the east in L in which was vas located the salina call and to the store ot of louis louie jacobs on the west all of which were consumed betone any ot of their contents contente coald be removed adjoining jacobs store on the west was a little frame building andin this after a struggle the fre re was arrested ard and brought unde uddo control the nature of this battle alla ct n be judged from the I 1 act that ell all ot of the buildings were frame and close alongside each other and the fight waged entirely with a bucket brigade the rhe total loss logs is about jo distributed tri buted as follows deorie F r crane buil building fling williams Vi lliams A woodring and J H nel kel tou con printing plant louis jacobs store building arid and contents 10 xavier 1330 lon builds g hlll 2111 equitable 1300 balina alina meat li supply cc damage in rei novine klau drug co cc ie lemoing goods 00 P 11 r V peterson removing floods 11 H IN right and U S io eru ment post posto ottice ilice fixtures fi tures aud and iu bu plies liuo the rhe ins insurance vas nas very light |