Show NOTICE notice is hereby given that a non caucus forthe tor the nomination of 0 one school trustee for or richfield school district no 8 sevier county utah to serve tor for a term of 0 three years is hez hereby collad to cLiv convene oue ut at the county cort bouie Rich Sels on I 1 july 6 1306 at p ra in ind and all qualified quill fied electors of said school brict are invited to Att earli ind ad in said cat calious ious N NC C tf republican ch dirman of richfield precinct W roii a of duct N B immediately Immediata ly after the close of the above mentioned nod caucus the tha richfield school board will discuss with abs tbs ci a OF Richlie ld the question ot of bo bonding riding said school district m for an additional earn ot of 00 to tom complete and equip the new is ach cot building build lii in course of erection 11 H N HES H kyes VILL LIAa TE arr district school trustees es |