Show TO CELEBRATE THE ru NATAL mal DAY how tile fourth will be observed Pro iain of for or I 1 berti es in kornhi Korn Hn anz nr sports in lifter afternoon noon ruby as godles god les anel I eallie el llie a utah the mg is the pr ceiri ol of tile the fourth of 0 july celebration in an richfield of 0 flag at hanrit san rit acute ot of forty six euils anub procession of the states and aad terri tern godess of liberty and utah headed beaded by the land from tho the court coort houe houa hou a to the tabernacle aclo 9 SO 10 berci ps pt the tabe nado a at 10 a m overture I 1 I 1 danl id bastal dand band invocation by the chaldin chap din sec bev I 1 H I 1 sane star spangled banner mrs laurette ja uretta Robi robinson lason talor tal nacle choir chair orchestra and band reading of 0 the Dael declaration j f ta in len den pence john jorgensen Jorgen Jorge ripen aen song boy t a yan lips ipe importation sentiment our country in an her ber in tc decourse ec ourse with foreign may she always be right but bat OUT our conter Cont rr right ight cr wrong responded to by H N T hayes selection orchestra war songs of the boyt boys in ic baze sentiment it is ie my by living sentiment and by the blessing of god it shall be my dying sentiment inde pen nen dence now and independence for avei responded to bv bt rev J 11 meteor eer song the meaning of U S A by john hood sentiment and weer shall the son SOD of it columbia be swayed alile the earth bears a plant and the sa rolls leq a wave pe pov bv rj 1 fr t male quartette I 1 S columna Col amLia columbia to glory elory arise the queen of 0 the earth and the child of the skie response by E E hoffmann be lection the rustier bild ti hl dog richfield baud band benediction Ben Bea diction rev ker W V A beeg beag miller will be a master as ter ot at serem ouie at the tabernacle miss ruby raby will represent the god es 0 liberty and miss luel seeg as utah ibe pi ot at sports watch anich w will III be held fit at the ball parl park beginning beR inning at 2 is as follows yard foot race free for all prizes 5 and 2 50 yard toot foot race boi s from 10 to 14 1 and 50 cents pat fat mens race free tor for all over pounds 49 40 yards 2 50 and 1 40 yard foot race for girls over 16 2 50 and 1 40 yard race tor for girls 12 to 18 ial 1 40 yard toot foot race tor for girls under 12 1 and aj W coots cents egg and spoon race free for all under 20 and 75 cents potato race tree free for all under 20 and aad 75 7 cents obstacle maex graep free for all II 11 GO and 75 cent kunnius long lone jump free for all dill 2 and 1 high kacis tree iree for all sl 31 and aad 50 cents brauning aich jump jamp free for all 1 and 50 30 cents lug oenar north or of center street versus soth ot of center treet treat 10 to winning team hat to fattest man on the grounds hose calf race attaching hose base and gettine ater through lose hose key will bo be in hose bass cart hot boz ten men to the team prize to winning team the days events will close with a grand brand ball at the star pavilion in the evening |