Show inn clr LOIN COIN good cooil stluke made in ill Develop ms a 1 ili clotin onti ing prop I 1 ta ostlund and taylor came down from the gold coin mine last Sat saturday arday and it appears now that mr ostlund will soon be rewarded for or his perseverance ile he has broken through the iron capping and opened a four foot vein of ore that resembles in formation the rich gold old ore of which he carries a sample in his pocket mr ostlund is an experienced miner formerly of elsinore sevier county but bat now of sterling alberta canada Is he came here bore last fall and resumed resumed work on his gold coin coid mining prospect which he had located and worked some time before and in which he has unfaltering faith that he mould in time succeed in opening up a mine will A ill be key to a new era tor for fillmore and vicinity he has hag endured many hardships camping in a cam as to tent ut in the coldest winter walked to and from on snow shoes carrying supplies on his back and sometimes having to dig through many feet of snow to yet get at hm bin isora n ork or get into his tent his camp during the long cold and dreary being a hermitage with no neighbors but the howling coyote and tte prowling wildcat mr I 1 with edward maycock returned to the mine last monday in traveling to and from his bis mine mr ostlund ostland hs has bad some narrow escapes snow sides slides haing occurred both in front and behind hlin him many are watching with interest the further of the gold coin mine fillmore progress s review |