Show INING NOTES J f ivl c 4 AND PERSONALS 3 0 wiser left for or salt lake saturday and will male make a trip east on rain nna ing business L H and wax max krotki have let a contract for feet of tunnel work on the bul busby by group 1 in n cottonwood canyon T F gillan was down from conner property on gold mountain this week and reports development work going steadily forward on this ground virginius bean and R H Seeg mil ler departed tor for ely nevada monday with a load ot of grain they may re main at the camp jor or the he summer if them the can get suitable empl employment henry president of the providence roi dence properties propel ties in the gold mountain district ditri ct visited the pr property oper recently and arranged an anaed fl tor dr an early commencement of development work orli ahe plans include the running of a tunnel 1500 feet to tap lap the ore bodies and a lot of ne equipment has been ordered for the mine 1 r n R Stiena rJ and niels aels jensen re turned from ely nevada last indek they report thins lively at that camp chere is a lot of mill building going on and reparations being beine made for future operations on a very extensive e body bocy of ore money is no object there and is scattered around like drops of water nater lu in a rain torm |